હૃદયપ્રદીપ The soul is once and for all set free From its physical frame - the body, Alike a captive from a prison-hole, By him who knows in his heart and soul That the body is only a gathering of worms, (Speaking of it, in absolute terms) It causes one, over and over again Nothing but untold suffering and pain. The physical body is to worldly beings, A means of quenching sensual cravings, But unto the seekers of spiritual union, It is a tool of knowledge acquisition. What purpose is served by nourishing the body, When once right knowledge indicates clearly That objects of sense are in fact poison, Which subject the soul to deadly delusion? 5 Composed of fat, flesh, bones and the skin, And with waste matter, filled from within, This body is a contemptible possession, How can it be an object of affection? When you are yourself 'the power-in-person', The power of preaching and of true perception. Why then, O soul! This infatuation, When you are the discerning
'wisdom-in-action'? 6 Don't wealthy beings too one day witness, Destruction of all they were proud to possess?