vigilant for 72 hours after the physical union with her spouse. During this period, she must remain alert about when the being might enter her womb. When this curiosity becomes the subject of her thoughts, her planning, and her reflection, she will surely experience the arrival of the being! This has been felt by many mothers until now.
According to medical science too, conception can take place within 72 hours of physical union between the parents. During this interval, the expectant mother must prepare herself to welcome the being. She should prepare herself physically and mentally and remain completely vigilant. She should keep her body, mind and soul in a pure state, and stay away from passions and perversions. She must resolve to be in a state of readiness to welcome the divine being in the very instant of his arrival. Just as a devotee waits for his god, a disciple for his guru, and the dry earth for rains, she must remain in a state of waiting for 72 hours. She must prepare herself in a way that she remains vigilant even while sleeping. She must remain in a meditative state and not indulge in any diversion due to which she may miss the instant of arrival. What can be achieved in this instant cannot be
captured again. It is a fortune that needs to be tapped into right away. It is not just an instant; it is a rare opportunity - as priceless as a gem.
There is a mention in the Kalpa Sutra that when the soul of Mahavira entered his mother's womb, Mother Trishla woke up and visited the chamber of King Siddhartha to wake him up. Both of them had separate sleeping chambers. This is a clear indication that a husband and wife must stay away from each other after physical union. In this duration, they must practice celibacy. During the arrival of the being, there must not be any excitement or restlessness in the mind and body of the mother. Now onwards, she must think not like a wife, but like a mother. She must lead her life in a state of vigilance and wakefulness.
When a being enters the womb, the feelings and vibrations that arise within it are identical to what is experienced by the mother in that first instant. Whether the seeds of acacia are sown or the seeds of mango, both will grow, but the fruits that they will bear will be different. Knowing this, the mother must beautify the path of her life with the seeds of punya.