During pregnancy, many women complain of morning sickness and experience physical discomfort. This is indicates that there is something which has not been accepted by the body and mind. Where feelings of love and welcome exist, why would there be any negative reaction? Sadhana creates harmony between the inner world and external world. It erases any feelings of indifference. Those who manage their pregnancy by being engrossed in this sadhana do not experience these problems.
It is the force of this leshya which has that a soul has established itself in the womb brought him here. The karman and tejas with his karman and tejas bodies, and yet the bodies are so powerful that they can move the mother has not felt its presence? soul from one place to another in an instant. Until the being does not have this gross It takes less than one second for this physical body, his karman and tejas bodies transition, lesser than the time it takes to
remain uncovered. This makes them even blink one's eyes. Whether he has come from
more powerful and potent. Now we must the celestial world or the animal world,
remember that the leshya of the being is or from any of the 84 lakh species, he has different from the leshya of the mother. traversed the journey with his goal in When the karman and tejas bodies of the view. The goal is the mother's womb. Now being enter the mother's womb, and the imagine the speed and force with which
leshyas of the child and mother come in he must have travelled this distance!
contact, there is bound to be some Why has he come here? Why has he friction. To experience this impact, the come to his mother? Because of the
mother must remain vigilant. She must prerelationship! He has made his mother's body pare herself to be alert for this very instant. as his house and has come to live in the most sensitive part of her body. At this
The Waiting Period time, it is unfortunate if the mother is not sensitive towards him! How is it possible
The expectant mother must remain