The Jaina Stupa at Mathura: Art & Icons
C. 1. [च] देविय च धित जय
2. देवस्य वधु मोषिनिये
3. वधु कुठस्य कसुथस्य _D. 1. धम्रप[ति]ह स्थिरए
2. दन शवदोभद्रिक
3. सर्वसत्वन हितसुखये Translation
"Success! The pupil of Ayya- Jeshtahasti (Jyeshthahastin) out of the Kottiya gana, the Uchenagari (Uchchanagari) Sakha, (and) the Bamhadasia (Brahmadāsika kula) (was) Aryya-Mihila (Ārya-Mihira); his pupil (was) the preacher (vachaka) Arya-Ksheraka (Arya-Kshairaka?); at his request a fourfold (image was dedicated as) the gift of Sthirā, daughter both of Varanahasti (hastin) and of Devi, daughter-in-law of Jayadeva (and) daughter-in-law of Moshini (and) first wife of Kutha Kasutha for the welfare and happiness of all creatures."
संवत्सरे सप्तपंचाश ५० ७ हेमन्धत्रितो -
- से [दि]वसे त्रयोदशे अ - पूर्वायां - Translation
In the fifty-sevent, 57, year, in the third month of winter, on the thirteenth
day, on that (date specified as) above......... No. XXXIX L. 1. सिहम्। परमभट्टारकमाहाराजाधिराजश्रीकुमारगुप्तस्य विजयराज्यसं [१०० १०]३क
- - - - न्तमा - - [दि] - स २० अस्यां पूर्वाया]कोट्टियां गणा2. द्विद्याधरी [तो] शाखातो दतिलाचाय्यप्रज्ञपिताये शामाढ्याये भट्टिभवस्य धीतु ग्रहमित्रपालि[त]
प्रा[ता]रिकस्य कुटुम्बिनीये प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठापिता। Translation
"Success! In the year 113, in the victorious region of the supreme lord and supreme king of great kings, the illustrious Kumaragupta, on the twentieth day [of the winter-month] Karttika] - on that (date, specified as) above an image was set up by Samadhya (Syāmādhyā),daughter of Bhattibhava (and) house-wife of the ferryman.