The Early Epigraphic Records of Mathurā
3. ने शिलापट्टो प्रतिष्ठापितो माथुराणं] 4. शैलालकानं चान्दका भ्रतृका इति वि[ष्ट्र-] 5. यमानानं तेषं पुत्रेही नन्दिबलप्र6. मुखेहि दारकेहि मातापितृणं अग्र7. प्रत्वशताये भवतु सर्वसत्वा[नं हित-]
8. सुखा[थै] भवतु [1] Translation
Success! In the year................, on the fifth day, on that (date specified as) above, a stone slab was set up in the place sacred to the divine lord of snakes Dadhikarņa by the boys, chief among whom was Nandibala, the sons of the actors of Mathurā, who are being praised as the Chāndaka brothers. May (the merit of this gift) be by preference for their parents; may it be for the welfare and happiness of all beings!
No. XIX L. 1. [सिध्दम् ।।] महाराजस्य राजातिरास्य देवपुत्रस्य वाहिकणिष्कस्य सं ७ हे १ दि १०
५ एतस्व पूर्वायां अर्योदिहिकियातो । 2. गणातो अर्य्यनागभुतिकियातो कुलातो गणिस्य अर्य्यबुध्दशिरिस्य शिव्वो वाचको
अर्य्यस[न्धि]कस्य भगिनी अर्यजया अर्यगोष्ठ - - - Translation
Success! In the year 7 of the great king, supreme king of kings, the son of the gods, Shahi Kanishka, in the first (month of) winter, on the fifteenth day, - on the (lunnar day specified) above, preacher Aryya(sandh)ika, the pupil of the ganin Aryya-Buddhasiri (AryaBuddhasri) of the Aryyodehikiya (Arya-Uddehikiya) school (and) of the Aryya-Nagabhutikiya (Arya-Nagabhulikiya) line of teachers, his sister Arya-Jaya (Arya-Jaya), Aryya-Goshtha....
No. XX [सि]ध्दं सं २० (?) [२] ग्रि २ दि ७ वर्धमानस्य प्रतिमा वारणातो गणातो पेतिवामि[क]Translation
Success! In the year 22 (?), in the second (month of) summer, on the seventh day, - a statue of Vardhamana, from the Varana gana; from the Petivamik [a kula ].......