aside those who are learned persons, they always boast for their intelligence and wisdom and consider none equal to their status of Learning. But same is the condition of the illiterate person. He goes on thinking that no doubt he has little knowledge, but even then the learned can not stand face to face of him in discussions. Very few people understand and realise that the real object of being born as a human being is to follow the righteous path and to inspire others, too, to follow this path. A man must always think that, if at all he is educated, his main duty is to serve the humanity and not to indulge in false pride and vanity, because there remains no scope for pride who is qualified and literate. Because the literacy of today may be converted into madness of tomorrow and those, who are less literate and a bit far away from us, may go ahead after getting good education. There is a vast ocean of knowledge and it can be obtained as much as is possible. Those, who are highly learned still treat them less wise. They do not feel proud of the learning and only such people are respected by the people of the world. Even then seeing their great respect, they do not feel proudy but on the contrary. they become more humble and gentle and feel shy in being respected widely. Only a wise gentle man can behave in this way. But a man, with a narrow heart and less wisdom, may be puffed up in flattery. He thinks none equally wise and feels that every one is flattering him due to his wisdom and intelligence.
If somebody. does not give any importance to such person, even then he thinks in his mind that instead of doing flattery of others he should tell frankly what he is to tell. That is why people avoid him but for him it is also immaterial. He boasts about his ancestor, tribe and even of his parents, who are known very well by the few. In the same way every man, may be of any caste, creed or family, always prouds of his splendour and hates others. Whenever any one dies in the family, the members of the family weep after uttering these words "Oh ! brother, God should be kind enough to bliss your rebirth in such a low caste, where you have not to study and educate like a Brahmin, or you have not to worry for the kingly administration being a kshatriya () or need not to worry for commercial transactions being a vaishya (a). Meaning to say is that all such worldly people, on the basis of their cast or creed fearlessly perform all good or evil deeds and boldly come forword to put to any man to any kind of low or severe loss. But a man, with a clear understanding and literary taste never attaches importance to his caste or creed. He thinks that caste is co-related with the body which is mortal, Hence it is better to utilise this body in the service and welfare of others and graciousness of this life is in successfully sacrificing it in the performance of righteous