MANAV DHARMA / 43 who become Ascetics with some selfish motives, who want to be honoured and worshipped like the Ascetics by the society even when they are far away lacking the attributes of an Ascetic in their inner self. Such people become Ascetic only with a greed of respect. Such people only want their name and fame and without bringing a control over the desires of five senses, they behave advertently. To satisfy all their sensual desires, they convert the ideals of Asceticism into more pleasant and interesting means of a household life. All such activities which have, been condemned even for a house hold man, they unhesitatingly indulge themselves in such adverse activities. To avoid their visibility in the eyes of the people, to hide their vices they try to distribute artificial, magical and sorcery elements (टोना की बातें) Ganda - Amulec (गंडा ताबीज) and yantra Mantra (यंत्र
) so that the public may continue to worship them. They become hypocrates and defile the holy path of an ascetic. Such people or such ascetics in disguise may be taken as Hypocrites and to associate with these people or to support them unwisely is nothing but a kind of misbelief known as Hypocracy. The whole righteous path is defamed by supporting such Hypocrites and when they are encouraged, due to wilful support, all their activties prove useless and harmful. When a man becomes proudy unwantedly, then he loses the thinking power about the right and the wrong. A debased man accumulates vanity in many ways but the important reasons have been explained below:
ज्ञानं, पूजां कुलं जातिं बल-मृद्धिं तपोवपुः । अष्टावाश्रित्य मानित्वं स्मयमाहु र्गतस्मयाः
Explanation :
The sages, who have crushed out all traces of pride from their souls, describe Mada () as the intoxication of self respect of eight particulars :
(i) Learning (ii) Worship (iii) Family (iv) Tribe (v) power (vi) affluence or accomplishment (vii) religious austerity and (viii) person. Description :
Generally every man boasts or prouds for his intelligence, self respect, ancestors, for his tribe, for his accomplishments, for his religious austerity and for the physical soundness. He thinks him more smart and active, no matters whether he is literate or illilerate.
"A little Knowledge is always dangerous" this is a proverb. Being over wise is the root cause of superiority complex. To think the rest of the world half wise and to himself over-wise is ridiculous. Leave