save them, he could have been emotionally driven but he continued leading the rescue efforts till next day noon. He was sure his family was no more. He informed this to his father who told him, "Son, do your duty, do not desert your post" and he replied," If it (the hotel) goes down I will be the last man down."
back exits in the hotel and could have easily fled the building as the natural human instinct would be to flee" Still, they were people who instinctively did the right thing."
The guests were overwhelmed at the way the staff handled the entire situation. Every employee had only one aim - the safety of their guests. They did not care for their personal safety and their own life. As many as 11 employees- a third of the hotel casualties laid down their lives saving their 1200-1500 guests.
It shows how leadership displayed by people in the bottom rank to the top levels in the organizational hierarchy helped in saving lives. It also focuses on the (a) hotel's history (b) it's approach to recruiting and training employees (c) Indian ancient culture of hospitality and the Atitthi devo bhav (Guest is God) philosophy and many other closely examined and interviewed aspects which also revealed the Taj Mumbai's historical roots in the patriotic movement for a free India.
These employees were no army officers, they were not formally trained to handle such emergencies nor was this a clause in their employment contract. Then what motivated them? How were they able to display such valour and such gallantry?
The story, probably apocryphal, goes back in 1890's, when security men denied J.N. Tata from entering into the Royal Nary Yacht club, pointing to a board that apparently said: 'No Entry for Indians and Dogs.' That pinch might have caused pain and he vowed to set up a hotel the likes of which the British had never seen. The Taj opened its door in 1903.
The study mainly focuses why did the Taj employees stayed at their posts (during the attacks), jeopardizing their safety in order to save hotel guests and how can that level of loyalty and dedication be replicated elsewhere.
Coming back to the 26/11 case, the study highlights some unusual facts
The Case study further states “Even though the employees knew all the
The Taj prefers to recruit people from