Book Title: Perfecting Youth
Author(s): Udayvallabhvijay
Publisher: Samkit Yuvak Mandal
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PERFECTING YOUTH PYS Perfecting Youth Session Transforming Ideas, Inspiring Youth... Direction & Upliftment > With Along 340 220 160 140 097 0869 00C OZZ OPZ Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ We are Proud to be the part of P.Y.S The One who Blessed Our.. Hands Eyes To Have Long To Support Broad Vision Help the Need Ears Mouth To Listen & Absorb what is Good To speak Soft. Sweet & Decent Legs Heart To be Sympathatic To Walk On Right Path Emotional Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PERFECTING YOUTH Pearls of Wisdom by Panyas Shri Udayvallabhvijayji First edition : Oct 2014 Copies available at: Publisher Samkit Yuvak Mandal (Borivali) +91 22 3252 2509 Ketanbhai D. Sangoi (Ghatkopar) +91 92246 40070 PREFACE Inspired by Gachhadhipati Param Pujya Vijay Jayghoshsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb, guided by Param Pujya Acharya Bhagwant Shri Vijay Muktivallabh Surishwarji Maharaj Saheb, assisted by Param Pujya Panyas Hridayvallabh Vijayji Maharaj Saheb; Param Pujya Panyas Uday Vallabh Vijayji Maharaj Saheb has been conducting sessions for the youth in a series called *Perfecting Youth' since September 2010 and consistently conducted sessions have touched the 50th on 19th October 2014. These sessions have been shaping up the college students and young professionals and imparting to them the core values of life like selflessness, sacrifice, patriotism, true meaning of religion and its tenets, spiritualism vis-avis materialism, social responsibility, true import of institution of family, qualities necessary for true advancement in life, the real priorities to be fixed and achieved etc. etc. In short it has been a journey towards true realization of an evaluated life entwined with the modern day perspective. The lives of hundreds of youths have taken a turn for the better. They could find an anchor to keep the boat of their life steady. There are a few hundreds who have been coming to these sessions without any break and there are thousands who have joined the journey at different stages. All of them agree in a single voice - "Yes, we have changed!" A few of us, in gratitude towards our Pujya Gurudev have decided to put together the gist of some of the sessions. There is no substitute for hearing Gurudev live. But, with a semi substitute here we are with the compilation of some of the ideas delivered in the sessions. Submitted at the lotus feet of the gracious personalities mentioned above and with a special heartfelt thanks to Param Pujya Panyas Shri Udayvallabh | Vijayji Maharaj Saheb. On behalf of the Youths who have received the most valuables in life from Pujya Gurudev. Dhaval Shah (Pune) +91 93261 53555 Milan Bhai (Ahmedabad +91 93750 35000 Samkit Shah (Surat) +91 98798 87889 Price: Rs.100/ Printing: Printwell +91 93222 25408 -Urvil Vakhariya Parag Dhami Copyright 2014 Perfecting Youth, All Rights Reserved. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acknowledgement In the days gone, perhaps in 1973 Aacharya Muktivallabh suriji had been in H.R. College. After the completion of metric (11th Standard in those days) he entered the long awaited college campus. The students sensing freedom just at the sight of college were in a jubilant mood. They were at ease to tease without sparing anyone. To add, a lady professor arrived and was greeted by the students with shouts, slogans, whistle blowing and what not? The lady professor not giving up just turned a fierce eye on the students and the classroom was stunned with silence. (Even today shri Muktivallabh Suriji recollects the scene.) She delivered a silence breaking dialogue: "I have come here to teach you salesmanship. That's how to sell your goods. But you have taught me how to sell yourself. It's a Shame!" Here discipline was demanded and not commanded. If the entire curriculum was value less the students were not to be blamed for what happened. Such incidents are obvious to occur. You can't expect values when they remain untaught. There can't be a withdrawal without depositing. The current education pattern keeps us Drowning in Information and Gasping for Values. It targets the degree but gives no charging for duties. It fetches you an occupation but has a connection error with morals. It shapes a career, with character 'Out Of Coverage'. After spending the most important part of life and investing considerable amount, today's youth gets the education\degree. But this education has not been sufficient enough to provide many solutions in the life Education has given the ability to manage large business but fails to give the ability to manage a small family. It gives youth high status and position but it lacks self pride and self respect. It gives huge salary and luxuries but not the real pleasure and peace of mind. What is the reason of this situation? Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The answer is :- Current education system gives only the education of head(brain) but fails to give the essential education of heart. PERFECTING YOUTH tries to fill up this incompleteness of current education system as The Heart of Education is the Education of Heart Its now the need of an hour to inculcate values, morals and ethics which are the lacking factors in generation Y, as its not provided by highly expensive education system. There can be various routes for this mission. 'Perfecting Youth Session' is one of it. PYS is like applying VAT (Value Added Teaching) to the education sector. I never dreamt of such an initiative. In true sense, I offer all the due credits to Gachhadhipati Shri Jayghosh Surishwarji, whose brain child PYS really is! The inspiring feeling of "always with" that I get from my true friend Aacharya Shri Muktivallabh Suriji will always be in my mind. Gurudev Panyas Meghvallabh Vijayji and Panyas Hriday Vallabh Vijayji (My Father and Younger Brother respectively) are my all time source of energy. There are many others, specially the PYS core team and others named / unnamed support system without whom this could not have been successfully run and managed If the readers are gifted with pride and honour for our composite culture and traditional values and if this education extends upto execution, it may be something like better than the best. Udayvallabh Vijay. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PLEDGE 1, as a true follower of my own religious faith, as a committed and loyal citizen of Bharat Varsh, as a responsible member of Society, most sincerely pledge as under: 1. I will observe the Fundamental Duties enshrined in the Constitution of India, not merely as a legal obligation but as my personal, moral obligation to which I am committed. I will always respect my parents, my elders as well as all people shining with human and spiritual qualities irrespective of their age. I will have compassion towards all living beings and more so towards the dumb creatures. I will do no injustice to anyone and brook no injustice to myself. I will always put others before my own self. I will extend my helping hand, both materially and emotionally to those in suffering. I will add to the glory of the time tested social institutions of marriage and family. My earnings will be virtuous and my spending much more virtuous. I will strive to safeguard the structures in the fields of social, economic, political and religious, as devised by the selfless sages and saints of Bharat varsh for the Yogakshema of the entire mankind. I will always strive for spiritual emancipation. o o 10. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Perfecting Vouth Session "Transforming ideas, Inspiring youth" verview Perfecting Youth Session (PYS) is an onboard development programme especially designed for YOUTH of 21st century, empowering them with knowledge which includes ideas about equality, non violence, truth, sacrifice & leadership to hold an extremely relevant moral & social mirror to society. alues & belief To believe in the power of togetherness & integrity, to prove an enduring icon of immense courage & unwavering character. ocus & foundation With the graceful guidance of Acharya Shri Jayghoshsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb, an encyclopedia of Jain Scriptures & a visionary personality, Panyas Shri Udayvallabhvijayji took the task ofinspiring youths in a youthful way. It was an innovative & effective move. Perfecting Youth specially focuses on college youth and young professionals and facilitates them through heart touching inspiration on various cultural and ethical issues through Pravachan delivered by Panyas Shri Udayvallabhvijayji. The programme started in September 2010 and has mounted up to the 50th session by October 2014. MISSION To create patriotic consciousness for our motherland. To imbibe moral values within the Youth. To provide value added teaching helping individuals to realize their true potential. To excel at empowering individual with morals necessary for leading a spiritual life. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 02 Vision We are not in search of a man with a new idea; instead we are in search of a man who can put strength behind an old idea. So we want to be at forefront for making an individual Principally Sound & Ethically Bound. Goals & Objectives OF To groom talent as per the need of the hour. To promote National Integrity. To focus on Commitment & Courtesy To maintain Harmony & Peace To provide Moral Education To patch up lacking factor of the current educational structure. fferings Logical reasoning behind traditions. Sense of pride for the cultural heritage. Awareness for CNF (CultureNature-Future) Power to empower others with values. Passion for Compassion Co ore expertise Achieving excellence with an unflattering commitment by proving logical explanations for certain fundamentals convincing the Youth. Mobility To improvise their self, Youth travel long distances to different venues to attend the sessions regularly. Capabilities Serious doubts & queries get resolved with utmost care & complete satisfaction instantly. Prosperity PYS will prove to be successful in creating prosperity & opportunity for youth to become socially & environmentally responsible citizens which would be recognized across the globe. Integrity Behaving in ethical way to lead a strong foundation of a society, guided by a moral compass to ensure internal fairness & differentiate between virtues & vices. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Outcome * High level of Self esteem. * Capability to Handle Pressure. * Depth of Understanding Capacity. * Vision to deep cast & Talent to broadcast. * Analyzing power. Power to Bounce back when Failed. * Strong yet Caring mind set. * Removal of undue prejudices. Bonding for ethics. ey areas PRINCIPALLY SOUND ETHICALLY BOUND RESPECTING ELDERS FIT FOR CHALLENGE EMOTIONAL AT HEART CONSCIOUS AT DECISION TIME BOUND PERFECTING YOUTH 03 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HOW TO CONTROL "TEMPER Appearing to be almost similar, the two words 'react' and 'respond' bear a gulf of difference when in practice. We seem to be at a disadvantage when we react. We tend to go on a defensive mode. We are uncomfortable with the things happening or going around and so we react. Our emotions and not reasons play a central role when we react. The distance between the two eyebrows gets narrowed, the face turns furious and at times even heats up and our defenses are on red alert. There is a downside to reacting. We let our emotions drive us forward without any reason. Self control is also lost as reacting is sporadic and emotional. The upside in reaction may be passion, but our passion needs to be centered on purpose PHOEN and not on an unexpected, unproductive stimulus. On the flip side is respond. There is still an external spur to our response. Responding, though is more thoughtful. Responding is guided less by emotion and more by logic and understanding. Responding may be passive in nature as we are going one down in a series. Still response is effectively active as it can change the direction of an interaction. The upside of a solid response is an engaging conversation. If mindfulness is being more centered, then this is a practice we need to embrace to prevent reacting and focus on responding. Do we react to the situation or Respond? PERFECTING YOUTH Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ disturbed? He handled it to near perfection, without any chaos. It is not the cockroach, but the inability of the ladies to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed the ladies. Everybody reacted to the situation, whereas the man responded. At a Restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. She started screaming out of fear. With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach, the lady finally managed to push the cockroach away, but it landed on some other lady in the group. Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama. She also managed to push the cockroach away and again it landed on another lady in the group. She also managed to push the cockroach away and this time, it landed on a man who was sitting and observing this. It is not the shouting of others (Boss, Parents, elders etc) that disturbs us, but it's our inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting. It is not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs us, but it's our inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs us. Our problem is not actually our problem, but it's our reaction to the problem that creates problems in our life. That man stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of the cockroach on his shirt. When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and gently placed it out of the restaurant window. Instead of reacting in life, we must always respond. The women reacted, whereas the man responded. Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of, just and right to save a situation from going Was the cockroach responsible for their dramatic behavior? If so, then why was that man not PERFECTING YOUTH 05 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 06 out of hands, to avoid cracks in relationship, to avoid taking decisions in anger, anxiety, stress or hurry. In a nutshell, 10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% of life is decided by how you respond to it. Here we see whether we react or respond. Sitting on a sofa, watching a one day cricket match on television. The game has entered into an exciting zone. 8 runs required & 6 balls to go! Here goes the bowler taking a stride and in comes your mom in between you and your TV, opens the cupboard above the TV set and you lose your temper. Was it a reaction or a response? You just miss the train by a single minute and you have to wait for ten minutes for the next train. You feel it was just because of your brother's call while you were leaving from the house in time. You recollect the past episode and get upset. You can't properly answer the question asked by any co-passenger at that moment. Is this a reaction or a response? Size of a man is measured by the size of a thing that makes him angry. Very small things disturb us, makes us angry, we have lost our patience. Our saturation point has gone down, and our excitement level has gone up. We blast at every odd minute. We lose our temper on every odds. Why is it so? Before going to the solution let's deal first with the cause chapter. Three elements in our life prepare an instant reacting personality within us. 1. Fast Food Our patience level is too less. We can't bear certain things for too long, we want the door to be opened on the first knock or bell. Our saturation point is well below the standard, prime reason behind this is our diet. Our eating habits describe our self. Root vegetables are restricted in the diet of Jainism, one of the reason is they give rise to instinctive abilities and anger. Those who eat spicy food are bound to get excited. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. Fast Music Till recently no studies showed cause and effect relationship between music and lyrical contents influencing behavior. Now, various scientific studies & reviews conclude that significant exposure to fast and violent music and lyrical contents increase the risk of aggressive behavior. Violence and aggression are some of the negative behaviors that have been accredited to the young who listen to rap music. On the other hand classical music affects the brains functioning and abilities through its melody and rhythm. Music's rhythm can also stimulate other natural functions of the body, resembling the heartbeat or the alfa rhythm of the brain and this effect is used to counter the development of clinical depression. The melody instead, is the sparkle that catalyses the creative process in our PERFECTING YOUTH minds. It is known that music therapy is the safest way to get rid of many diseases. Nice music has a good effect not only on our nervous system, but also on our cardiovascular system, respiratory system and even digestion. With the help of favorite tunes our body can fight many diseases much easier. And in general, when we listen to some lovely composition, it improves metabolism, stimulates respiration and blood circulation. That is why with the help of music, you can forget about a bad mood, insomnia, feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, improve memory and attention, and even develop all sorts of creative abilities. There are plenty of facts and scientific experiments proving the positive influence of music on the human body. It is known that when he was young, famous French actor Gerard Depardieu stuttered and no voice therapy specialists and advanced treatments could help him with this problem. But on the advice of wellknown doctor Alfred Tomatis, Depardieu started listening to Mozart daily for 2 hours. After a few months he got rid of this problem. For the unborn babies, classical music played at a rhythm of 60 beats per 07 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ minute, equivalent to that of a resting human heart, provides an environment conducive to creative and intellectual development. [Dr. Thomas Vemy- "The secret life of the unborn child"] On the order of the emperor, the contest was announced and Tansen started Todi raga. Soon, a herd of deer, having been attracted by the music, arrived there and gathered around Tansen. Tansen put a garland of flowers around the neck of a black deer. As the Raag ended, the herd of deer disappeared into the jungle. Masters of classical music, who could sing most of the 'Raagas' that exist in the world, Megh Malhar (to bring rain), Dipak Raag (to light the lamp), Todi Raag (attracts deer) were some of them. Establishing his superiority in music in state after state, Tansen reached Agra and threw his challenge. Akbar had already heard about the fame of Tansen through Abul Fazal. Even the best singer of the Mughal court, Jihan Khan, pretended to have a stomach ache and avoided the contest. Tansen's challenge to the master of music in the Mughal court in the year 1562, was not taken to undermine the musician. Baiju, modest and selfless, stood before the emperor and admired Tansen's art with all his heart. He announced that he would sing the Mrig Ranjani Todi with the effect of attracting only that specific deer around whose neck Tansen had put the garland. Baiju started the Mrig Ranjani Todi (nowadays known as Gujree Todi). Soon, the same deer around whose neck Tansen had put the garland came to Baiju and sat near him in a hypnotized state. Baiju took off the garland from the deer's neck and put it on the neck of the emperor. Dumbfounded, Tansen continued to stare. However, Akbar freely admired and accepted the merit and greatness of Tansen's art, which reminded him of Baiju and his skill. A desire to see the magnificent contest between the two great masters arose in Akbar's heart. The emperor asked Baiju to start a Raag which Tansen could reply to. Baiju said, "I should start with Malkosh Raag and after melting the 08 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fast music. Fast music starts from the legs, whereas classical starts from the mind. rock lying in front, I shall plant into it my Tanpura" (musical instrument). After the Raag is over, the molten rock will again become hard. Let Tansen melt the rock again and extract my Tanpura out of it." Tansen was sitting nonplussed. 3. Fast Technology problem expression motion presion n businessman depressed genen SCIEN management Site work ILOtalk.. STRESSED DIICINECOMAN mad SADNESS Baiju started Malkosh Raag and the rock began to melt gradually. Seeing this, Tansen got up and went near Baiju and said, "Respected sir, who are you? My guru had told me that there was a Baiju who could excel me." MISTAKE.communication, un stressed professionalUPSET CONFLICT FRU TUN MANAGEMENT YOUNGRIISINESS EXPRESSION angerfailure SCREAM EMPLOYEE angry angry annoyed Baiju asked him who his guru was; Tansen referred to his guru Swami Haridas and said that he, Tansen, had started on a search for his counterpart under the pretext of world victory. At this, Baiju's eyes welled up with tears. He embraced Tansen and said that he was that unlucky Baiju. Man was always provided with a handful of Equipments in his day to day life. The instruments previously held in hand were resistant and reactive compared to the new ones. Ancient music thus, had a very positive effect on the health and mindset of the listeners. Now-a-days, what people hear is rap songs, soup songs, and all rock-n-roll songs. People love the songs of fast Tempo, whose beats per second is well above normal, we want to listen such kind of songs whose beats shakes our legs, that creates vibrations in the body. In short we are moving from the slow, simple, cool and calm music to Be it a stove or a lantern, nothing was that fast at workability as the likes of light, fan, gas and gadgets coming in new versions every now and then. With the advent of new and fast technology man has to merely labour less. But his advantage to get trained and learn to manage and find a solution using a complicated equipment which does not perform without some tinkering, has also come to an end. 09 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The old Equipments were resistant and reactive. The new ones are instant and obedient. become tense, and blood pressure rises. Our body prepares for action. To release the tension formed in the body, we yell, scream, slam or throw things, and pound our fist. You can do with just pressing the buttons like 'play' and 'mute'. Instant and Obedient instruments though servile, creates a specific mentality. Thoughtless reactions, but nothing like a mindful response. Now let's enter the solution zone. The moment I ring the bell, the door should be opened! Control, consider and compromise. The moment I reach the station, the train should arrive! These are the 3 commands that will surely help us to be able to respond. The moment I sit on the dining chair, I should be served! 1. Control The moment I call up someone, he should just pick up! But this is not always possible. We interact with both Humans and machines. Machine can't replace Humans and Humans cannot become machines. Humans having their own brains and minds won't respond instantly and accordingly as per the machines. We fail to understand this simple thing: this is one of the reasons why we lose our temper so easily. We must have control on our words and deeds. We must use our brain in order to respond to a particular situation. Instead of reacting immediately, we must think, why it has happened this way only and why not the other way? We must not conclude anything immediately. William George Plunkett - "Three things never come back: the spent arrow; the spoken word; the lost opportunity." We must have control on our self; nobody can do that for us. All the above things give rise to anger. We start breathing heavy. Because of this, the heart starts beating faster, and pumps much more oxygen, adrenaline, and sugar into the bloodstream. Our muscles and arteries Mahatma Gandhi has set a beautiful example. Once, when he was sitting between two British officers, one of them said, "You Ass:" the other said, 10 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "you Donkey," British officers were aiming Gandhiji only, Gandhiji knew that, but he did not react. Both of the British officers repeated their respective words quite a few times. After sometime, Gandhiji responded, "See, I am neither an Ass nor a Donkey, infact I am between the two". Both of them felt like being dumped in a dustbin and they went off. One fine day, Gandhiji was sitting in a corner and was busy in his work, One British officer came and gave him a letter and said "This is something really special for you." Not knowing about the abusive contents Gandhiji accepted the four paged letter. That man left and kept an eye on Gandhiji so that he could observe Gandhiji's reaction on that letter. Gandhiji as always, did not react. After 2-3 days, that man couldn't control himself and went straight to Gandhiji and queried. "Found anything interesting in that letter?". "not much" Gandhiji replied and after a pause added "But, I took the Pin PERFECTING YOUTH you attached to the letter. That's the only thing I found useful, I tore the letter and threw it in dustbin as it was of no use to me." Gandhiji picked up the best out of the waste, for that guy it was like waste out of the best! To cross a river, George Bernard Shaw was walking over a very narrow bridge. His verbal enemy coming from the opposite direction said in disgust: "I will never give way to an idiot", "But I will" George Bernard Shaw said with a smile and gave side to his enemy. Keep the availability of your smile so easy that everyone can afford it and keep your temper so heavily priced that even you cannot dare to lose it. Cuma SAHARA INDIA People may have noticed Sachin playing on various grounds, but hardly anyone would have noticed his persistence. Be it his 70th Century or 100th century, his celebration style 11 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ light on the subject. Argument decides who is right and discussion decides what is right. remained the same. No air punching, no big bangs, just a simple raising of head towards the sky to thank God and his father, who is no more. One good thing about this gentleman; till now he has never thrown his bat, neither on the crease nor in the dressing room, whatever the situation may be (Declared Out when he feels he is not, being a victim of a suicidal run by his partner or getting out when his team needs him the most). We must consider others, their situation, surroundings, and external environment and then only try to reach to a certain meaningful decision, and then only we can sort out the issues. There are multiple angles to view a single problem. We tend to think that our angle is the only and correct angle, but that is not the case all the time. We must consider other's angle/position/situation also. Such consideration adds mindfulness which helps you to prevent strong reactions and unproductive arguments. "I give as much respect to my bat as to my dad, for the bat has given me due credit." these were the words spoken by the legendary player when asked to comment over a doubtful decision given by the umpire. Great conquerors never fight on small issues. The way they carry themselves is really amazing. They are always cool, calm and composed. They never speak an extra word, their actions do the talk. It was one of the hardest days for Tukaram. He could not manage anything to eat in the entire day. In the evening while returning back to home, somebody gave a bunch of sugarcane to him. He was very happy as he got something to eat for himself and his wife. On his way back, the playing kids saw him with sugarcane. All of them demanded a part of it. Tukaram didn't deny. Cutting the sugarcane into pieces he distributed and was left with a single small piece in his hand. 2. Consider Most of the time, we never reach to a conclusion of a certain problem, because we usually argue and not discuss. There is a Fundamental difference between argument and discussion. Argument throws heat on the subject whereas, discussion throws After reaching home he handed the piece to his wife to eat. His wife, angry by all means, smashed her husband PERFECTING YOUTH Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ with the cane stick as she was disappointed because her husband had brought nothing home once again. The hit was so hard that the sugarcane piece was halved. Tukaram took one of the pieces and thanked his wife for giving him half of the half piece. He considered the situation through which his wife was passing. 3. Compromise Compromise means a deal wherein each party gives up part of their demand. A right step may not necessarily be wise; we must take a wise step even though it doesn't appear. right. At times we have to stretch ourself for the others, to sustain the relationship. Jane Wells - "Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend a little than to break" You may have seen trees uprooted due to cyclonic wind. But, grass though far weaker, never gets uprooted. No matter however strong the wind may be. This is due to the diplomacy of bending down a bit and for a while. As the cyclonic situation gets subsided the grass is up again! This is not a surrender but a strategy. Instant decisions kept on a halt pay a lot. PERFECTING YOUTH There is a wonderful method for decision making, the HALT theory. Never take a decision when you are 1. Hungry 2. Angry 3. Lonely 4. Tired You are bound to take wrong decisions in such a situation, so it's better to keep the decision on a HALT. Anger is perhaps one of the worst of all emotions felt by us. It can be felt because of anything... a lost wallet, someone's irrational comment, failing an exam, getting scolded by your boss, missing a train, not being connected to someone in spite of frequent callings or any other possible situation where you feel frustrated, hurt, afraid and disappointed. When we lose our temper we also lose T-E-M-P-E-R. (at least 6 things at a time.) 1. Thought process 2. Efficiency & elegance 3. Memory 4. Popularity 5. Emotions 6. Relations 13 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Thought Process: Memory: We tend to lose our thought process when we are angry. Our hands start shivering. we don't even come to know what we are speaking. We just react without any thinking. This is the main reason often people regret for what they do or speak in angry moments. Scientists claim that we can remember 9000 crores of books, each book of 1000 pages. We wash out whatever intelligence is left in the brain by shouting at others unnecessarily. People go and pay for raising the memory power. Patience and persistence is a cost free formula which adds a few more GB to your memory. Efficiency and Elegance: Popularity: Every time we get angry, we not only lose happiness but also efficiency in work. We tend to recall the entire incident throughout the day. We think we should have done like this and like that; we lose our concentration at work place. We tend to become inefficient and can't give the perfect touch to the work. Losing temper can turn a hero into zero in no time. With anger comes the destruction. Former Real Madrid and France soccer star Zinedine Zidane says he regrets head butting Marco Materazzi during 2006 Fifa World Cup final. In an interview with leading Spanish daily El Paris published on Monday, Zidane recalled the infamous incident with a sense of shame. * Have you ever seen a colourful painting done by an artist when he was high tempered? Have you ever come across a sculpture with an absolute finishing touch given by the artist when he was hot? "After the game, I went into the dressing room and told them, 'Forgive me. This doesn't change anything, but sorry everyone,'" Zidane recalled the moments after the game. * Many dishes lose their taste when prepared by someone in anger. Creativity and anger are mutually exclusive of each other. A man who can't suppress anger for a moment will regret it for years. Idi Amin, the most unpopular president of Uganda was kidnapped. 14 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The cabinet was demanded a ransom saying "if you don't pay, Idi Amin will be set free!" . Sources claim that he had killed over 300,000 people. cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance. Emotions: SMILE is an action which makes everything work faster except the tongue. ANGER is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Whenever we get angry, we tend to lose all our emotions. It's difficult to smile when we are angry, at the same time, whenever we are smiling, anger disappears. Smile and anger are like day and night, you never see them at the same time. What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small. When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other. Relationship: You might be able to makeup for any loss, but a huge loss created due to anger, a letter short of D-anger, is irreparable many times. Hence, it is better to control anger. Relationship is bound to get affected when we get angry. Soft spoken words can build a long lasting relation even with a stranger. At the same time, there are chances of fast friendship getting spoiled due to a few harsh words. It completely depends on us. Few words can create lot of distance and disturbance. Therefore, we must put limit on our fast food diet, we must not get carried away by fast technology, and we must draw some attention towards classical or semi-classical music, so as to increase our patience and saturation level. Controlling yourself, considering others situation and surroundings and compromising are the keys that will shape a happy life. Dr. Laurence J. Peter - "Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret." When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To PERFECTING YOUTH 15 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OD, FEAST & FAMINE Let's start with a fiction. A world wide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was: "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world ?" The survey was a huge failure as; In Africa they didn't know what "Food" meant, In India they didn't know what "Honesty" meant, In Europe they didn't know what "Shortage" meant, In China they didn't know what "Opinion" meant, In Middle East they didn't know what "Solution" meant, In South Africa they didn't know what "Please" meant, In USA they didn't know what "The rest of the World" meant. PEREECTING YOTITI! Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ There is a difference in two emotions: 1. Feeling someone as the other. 2. Having feelings for others. "The feeling of othernesses makes you unconcerned, leaving you in a least bothering state, eliminating the sense of humanity from your mind and behavior. "The feeling for others' gives your existence a human touch. "I have an Axe, to chop the tree down is not a big deal", the first one said. "Why go for such a big job? Just chopping the big branches will do", the second one corrected. While having a meal, we never think about our servant as he is 'other', but a mother shall never have a meal until her son has had it, because she is a 'mother'. "No need for that too, cutting down the smaller ones can serve the purpose", the third one negotiated. Our consumption pattern has lost its "mother touch' and has been cursed with the 'other touch'. A story from Jain scriptures stands exemplary to explain the different consumption patterns. "Cutting the branches is unnecessary for us. It will deprive the birds from their home. We can do just with plucking the bunches", the fourth one justified his view. Six hungry men were passing through a jungle. Exhausted, they went searching if they could find something to eat. They came across a Jamun Tree with bunch full of purple Jamuns. Wow!!! What a timely source for satisfying hunger! One exclaimed, now how shall we 'download' the Jamuns from the 'Server' he asked humorously. Everyone voiced their opinions to get hold of the Jamuns. Let's go through them: "Take care! Not all the bunches, just a few jamuns will do". The fifth one said expressing his concern for the other people who can get the rest. "Haven't you noticed so many Jamuns lying on the ground? When what we want is just handy, no need to go for the source of supply (Jamun tree). We are gifted with rich resource, but, mind you, PERFECTING YOUTH Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ responsibility. as per the Capacity (as he is holding an Axe) >we are not the sole consumers. We should act wise enough and consume keeping in mind the needs of others also", the sixth one said a dding This is a fascinating story derived from Jain Scriptures giving a marvelous message. All the six aimed the same, but they differed in their approach towards consuming the Jamuns. The second one acts as per the Opportunity (as there is no one to observe the destructive act) Let us analyze all these six persons. The third one acts as per Possibility (as it is The first one acts hastaHlApa 275 3600 The annual foodgrain production is twice enough to feed the entire world population and yet 30 percent of the people stay hungry. The number of footwears are always on a higher side than the number of foot pairs and still crores of people have to go barefoot helplessly. The gross annual cloth production is enough to cover all the humans, yet it is amazingly true, we come across lakhs of unclothed! The over a 11 availability of water is enough to satisfy the thirst of all the humans, yet people in crores have to perspire a glassful to get a bucketful of drinking water. The number of deprived people is rising day by day. If in a real sense the poor and underprivileged are to be served, the root causes need to be examined. 18 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ with two bare hands) also not to be blamed.. Let's have a look worldwide.. The fourth fellow acts as per Availability (as he is focused on bunches of Jamuns) The fifth one acts as per Necessity (avoid unnecessary harm) The sixth one acts as per Responsibility (as his thinking is blissful for everyone) If The example deals with the concept of 'Leshya', a traditional term in Jainism which denotes the level of Intellectual * One-third of food produced Quotient, Emotional Quotient as well worldwide is wasted annually. The as the Spiritual Quotient. Mind one total food wasted every year thing! None of the six is a non globally is enough to feed 5 consumer, but they vary in their crores of people without any You want thinking. All these six to help the extra burden on the approaches deal with the same poor, study resources. This is what is idea in different ways. the rich stated in a recent report by Consuming in un accordance Food and Agriculture with others and Consuming in Organization (FAO). The report accordance with others is the further claims that the wastage costs highlighted difference in these global economy around $750 billion. approaches. If you view the 'Formula Food cooked but not eaten (wasted) One', it races selfishly depriving many annually adds 3.3 billion tonnes of from their basic necessities. greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Why do crores of people stay hungry? Why do lakhs of people die of thirst? Why is one third of the global population deprived of their basic requirements? Are we falling short of resources? When the GDP growth is 3 times higher than the population growth, the population explosion is PERFECTING YOUTH Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ prevent the enormous foodgrain loss just due to improper & inefficient infrastructure and management. X Produced but uneaten food occupies 30% of the world's farmland that is nearly 1.4 billion hectares. Other key findings include that food produced but not eaten, guzzles up a volume of water, equivalent to the annual flow in Russia's Volga river or three times the volume of lake Geneva. This is the loss the nation is bearing mainly on uncooked food due to lack of efficiency of the authorities. More significant is the heavy loss of cooked food due to the extravagance of the richer class. This report is said to be the first to analyze impact of global food wastage from an environmental perspective. It has looked specifically at its consequences for the climate, water, land use and biodiversity. Various studies have highlighted the facts as below: * Wedding ceremonies seem to lavish juxtaposed against the extreme poverty in India. As per FAO chief, one of the reason for such a big food waste is a 'tendency of excessive consumption in middle and high income countries.' untries. . Among the rich and rising middle class it is a fashion to hire event managers/ wedding planners to organise such gatherings in hotels, restaurants, farmhouses or clubs. . Social functions, particularly marriages, are now opportunities for the elite to showcase their wealth and status. Coming to India, on one side the politicians in the previous Government desperately wanted to pass the Food Security Bill, and on the other hand there was a heavy food wastage, the figure mounting up to 17,546 tonnes. As per World Health Organization guidelines, a minimum of 250 gm food grains is required per person - per day to survive. The cumulative loss would have fed at least seven crore people. Actually, we are in need of a food security rather than food security bill. In the year 2012-13, the centre has spent a huge amount of Rs.75,366 crores on food subsidies, but no effective steps have been taken to * The people who have benefited due to rapid economic growth are staging extravagant culinary displays. This results in a heavy food wastage. It is impossible for anyone to taste this wide array of dishes varying between 200 to 350 items and hence, large quantity of food is either thrown into the municipal dustbins or poured into gutters. 20 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The aforesaid narration is not imaginary but is based on a government report on assessment of wastage of food and ostentatious behaviour during social gatherings (marriages/parties/meetings etc.). * People do not mind throwing away the food but the menu has to be extensive, as any shortage would affect their honour and respect in the society. Just declaring it as a 'National shame or naming it as a 'criminal wastage' will not serve the purpose. If there can be some regulations regarding PUC (Pollution Under Control) for vehicles, * why can't there be a similar PUC (Production - of food - Under Control) during such functions. Declaring the food waste as a crime and taking no initiatives won't serve the purpose. Much like Singapore's 'buffet syndrome', people in India pile their plates high to taste the many dishes on offer. Weddings normally feature a buffet of Indian dishes, Chinese, Thai and western continental. They feel "more-the number of dishes served, the higher the social standing." The trend of having multi-cuisine menu for weddings has accelerated the waste. Just in a couple of hours you see half eaten dishes pile up in empty dustbins next to the table. Wedding celebrations were never new. But in the days gone, limited numbers of traditional food items were prepared so the quantum and incidence of food waste was negligible. If some food remained uneaten or unserved, it was either consumed by the members of the house themselves or distributed to the fellow villagers, extended families and relatives for consumption. An Indian who had been to Germany went through a memorable experience. His German colleagues had arranged a welcome party in a restaurant at Hamburg They placed the order and were waiting for the dishes to be served. There were a few more tables. They took their plates and finished every bit of food on their plates. As the dishes were served, he along with his friends finished dining in no time. There were other activities also arranged so they did not spent much time on eating. When they left, there was still about one-third of unconsumed food on the table. Just as they were leaving they It's a matter of shock and shame for us. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 heard someone calling them. The restaurant owner was not happy for the food leftover. Feeling that they were really being too busybody, they said, 'We have paid for what we ordered, that's it.' The restaurant authority got furious. They immediately called up to someone. After a while, a man in uniform claiming to be an officer from the social security organization arrived. Knowing about the dispute point, he issued a 50 Mark fine to the customers. They paid the fine, apologised repeatedly to the officer and when they were departing the officer told them in a stern voice, 'Order what you can consume, money is yours, resources belong to the society. There are many around us who are facing acute shortage of resources. Waste is violence.' Does this prick the heart? The resource waste, backed up by the proportional waste of labour, time and is indicative of the self centered consumption pattern. energy Any consumption, void of concern for the resource waste or other people's suffering is a reflection of first of the six friends taking Jamuns. Note here, that when food is wasted, natural resources and human labour go wasted subsequently. Also, take into account the time and money wasted into growing that food. For example, it takes about 1,000 litres of water to produce one litre of milk. After reading this consciously, can you spillover even a cupful of milk. In other words, left over each morsel is a mockery of hunger! The Supreme Court of India had asked the Indian Government, to distribute food grains to the hungry and poor of the country. Now, this is something what the higher authority has to do. What can an Individual do? 1. Take an initiative to avoid unnecessary lavish show-offs. 2. Don't waste even a single morsel: A famous prevalent tradition among Jains of cleaning the dish Thaali dhoine peevathi Aayambil nu punya male che' concept is truly advisable. 3. Go for the optimum utility; Khakhraas is a famous breakfast snack especially in Gujarati families. This is 'best out of waste' as usually excess or unconsumed rotis are made into Khakhraas. Similarly, the excess of cooked rice is turned into Vagharela Bhaat! (Fried rice) 4. Give an access to the excess; If anything is in excess at home don't just throw it out. Make sure it reaches up to an empty stomach the same day. Viral PERFECTING YOUTH Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ avoid unnecessary harm to the resources, environment & coming generation. Let's take a last punch, if still needed.... Once upon a time in Pacific, A fish asked the mother fish, Shah, a Kandivali resident in Mumbai is a common man with an uncommon activity. Whenever there is an excess of cooked food at any social or religious function, he is called up. He makes an access for the poor to this excess. For the last few years he is at his silent service & is reaching up to approximately 15000 to 20000 poor per year. He works in personal capacity. People working on roads, residing on foothpaths or slums, or some having no cover are covered under the act of compassion by this Jain guy. 5. Go for durable not for disposable: The popular trend of paper/plastic dishes, glasses & cups needs to be altered at the earliest. We can do with utensils and "why do we live in the deep's & not on the earth?" Mother fish replied: "because, earth is the place for Selfish & not for Fish!" A very effective dialogue spoken deep down the sea is effective enough to activate the human heart if it's taken to heart. Let's make in India! If the consequences, though loud spoken are not to be pondered over, we are to be the sole sufferers. While fulfilling the wants and wishes, every person has to act not as per capacity but as per necessity, with a sense of responsibility. PERFECTING YOUTH 23 Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 In the world of wastage Our former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh had named food wastage as national shame. Now let's have a glance towards something we might call as international shame. Food wasted by Americans Food wasted by Australians Food wasted by Danes Food wasted by Swiss Food wasted by Canadians Food wasted by Norwegians Food wasted by Dutch Food wasted by Austrians Food wasted by Britons Food wasted by Irish Food wasted by Belgians Food wasted by Germans Food wasted by French Food wasted by Italians : : : :: 1: : : : 10 10 1: : 10 760 kg per person per year 690 kg per person per year 660 kg per person per year 650 kg per person per year 640 kg per person per year 620 kg per person per year 610 kg per person per year 560 kg per person per year 560 kg per person per year 560 kg per person per year 550 kg per person per year 540 kg per person per year 510 kg per person per year 500 kg per person per year PERFECTING YOUTH Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Human Touch On Active Mode Perfecting Youth Participants visiting the rural areas in Gujarat State extending a helping hand to the underprivileged. PYS students participated in the heart touching event organized by reputed NGO's Viniyog Parivar & Vitrag Seva Kendra. * bIpikaloma parivAra - zrI vitarAga sevA kendra AyojIta pa.pu.pA.pra. zrI muke tAla vi. ma. sAhebanI zubha preraNAthI } ii mALA jena ve. tapagaccha saMgha tathA Peter Doctlk nA vidyArthIo taraphathI garIba ane nirAdhAra parivArone vagaNazenAja vitaraNa jema anAja vitaraNa va nI (9 ka PERFECTING YOUTH 25 Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Do all the good you can; By all the means you can; In all the ways you can; In all the places you can; At all the times you can; As long as you cikel PERFECTING YOUTH 26 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Crin nal Waste Water A man travelling in a steamer got in trouble amidst the sea. He was compelled to leave the steamer and taking a small boat, was at a loss of direction in the pacific. He couldn't get to the shore for about 60 days. He ran short of drinkable water inspite of being surrounded by water all the way. He has narrated the story with a title "60 days in Pacific". This makes you feel the intense necessity for water in life. Just like food, water is another resource being wasted. On one side the countries across the world gear up to mark a world water day on 22 March and on the other hand water is wasted in a thoughtless manner. Water covers 75 per cent of the Earth's surface. 97.5 per cent of that is salt water, only 2.5 per cent is fresh, sweet and potable water. Icecaps and glaciers hold 74 per cent of the world's freshwater. Almost all the rest is deep underground, or locked in soil as moisture or permafrost. Only 0.3 per cent of the world's freshwater is found in rivers or lakes. Within 25 years, half the world's population could have trouble, finding enough fresh water for drinking and irrigation. Currently, over 80 countries, representing 40 per cent of the world's people, are facing serious water shortages. Conditions may get worse in the next 50 years, as population grows and as global warming disrupts rainfall patterns. A third of the world lives in water stressed areas where consumption outstrips supply. West Asia 27 Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bathing to remove the colors. Lakhs of litres of water is just wasted in a single day. faces the greatest threat. Over 90 per cent of the region's population is experiencing severe water stress, with water consumption exceeding by 10 per cent the availability of renewable fresh water resources. One in six people still have no regular access to safe drinking water. More than twice that number (2.4 billion people) lack access to adequate sanitation facilities. In Africa, 300 million people--40 per cent of the population live without basic sanitation and hygiene, an increase of 70 million since 1990. There are many ways to elaborate the water waste prevalent worldwide. Usage of bottled water is one among them. Can anyone calculate the water waste while gulping a bottle full of water? Bottled water is a big industry where we drain water buckets to get a glassful. The environmental cost of the massive consumption of bottled water has led some U.S. and Canadian local governments to consider a ban on its sale. While this seems an extreme response, the scientific concerns are wellfounded, and the facts may surprise you. Fact 1 : Bottles used for packaged water take over 1,000 years to bio-degrade and if incinerated, they produce toxic fumes. It is estimated that over 80% of all single use water bottles used in the U.S. simply become "litter." When there is a financial crisis, people cut short their expenses. When there is no adequate space, people relax in half the space. When there is load of work & loss of time, people avoid wasting time. But one funny thing we see is people acknowledging water scarcity, go on wasting water on an increasing rate. The Festival of Holi is celebrated in India by people throwing colors and spraying colored water on each other. Doesn't it deserve a rethink command in the current adverse situations forecasting a furious future? Just imagine the water wastage in both, playing Holi and then in PERFECTING YOUTH Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fact 2 : Recycling is only feasible in limited circumstances because only PET bottles can be recycled. All other bottles are discarded. Only 1 out of 5 bottles are sent to the recycle bin. emissions costs of green house gases needed to transport the final product to market. Fact 5: It is estimated that actually 3 litres of water is used to package 1 litre of bottled water. PALDER WISLY WORLD WATER O O O O O O O O o DIDINA ETTI Fact 3 : U.S. landfills are overflowing with 2 million tons of discarded water bottles alone. An example: "In summary, the manufacture and transport of that one kilogram bottle of Fiji(brand) water consumed...." 26.88 kilograms of water (7.1 gallons) 0.849 kilograms of fossil fuel (1 litre or 0.26 gallon) Emitted 562 grams of Greenhouse gases (1.2 pounds) Fact 4: It takes over 1.5 million barrels of oil to meet the demand of U.S. water bottle manufacturing. This amount of oil, far exceeds the amount needed to power 100000 cars for a year, which does not include fossil fuel and Bottled Water and Climate Change: Dr. Michael Warnhurst, Friends of the Earth's senior waste campaigner, said: "It is another product we do not need. Bottled water companies are wasting resources and exacerbating climate change. Transport is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, and transporting water adds to ILL PERFECTING YOUTH 29 Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The draft national water policy, 2012 in India had also been planned to hand over the existing water resources to the private sector. What would it lead to? Any guess? Just like bottled water there are many other ways of water being wasted. Water parks are one of the biggest reason for huge water waste. Swimming pools, resorts, water parks consume water on a large scale. that. We could help reduce these damaging effects if we all simply drank water straight from the tap" Bottled Water & Manufacturing Cost : "In the United States, bottled water costs between $0.25 & $2 per bottle while tap water costs less than a penny. According to bottled, about 90% of manufacturer's cost is for making the bottle, label & cap." Bottled Water & Long Term Environmental Issues: "Key environmental issues with bottled water are waste & uncertainty over the long - term health effects created by plastic" says environmentalist David Suzuki. SALE "Water scarcity can be the reason for the new world war" The strange thing is, man as if at the end of the wits, it seems, proposes new plans for water parks in desert areas. The proposed Wave-yards water park in Mesa, Arizona, another wasteful desert endeavor will require up to 110 million gallons of groundwater every year, that too in an area receiving a mere 8 inches of rainfall. As per reports, Tiger Woods golf course in Dubai uses 4 million gallons (1.8 crore litres) of water per day just to maintain the lush appearance. Entertainment has to be restricted when people water wars ....says the social scientist. "Water resources are the new segment for money" say the big billionaires of the western world (does it mean, they plan to corner the resources and then run an industry or may be even a water exchange, creating another branch in the speculative market?) 30 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ have to walk miles for drinking water in many parts of the world. Water waste is a notorious crime and a totally avoidable waste. A self improvement programme can be designed, if felt necessary. It can consist of the following: * If possible try to avoid showers or if you shorten your showers by just 2 minutes, you can prevent approximately 6000 litres of water wastage per month. Letting the tap run while brushing the teeth makes a waste of 18-20 litres of water everyday Every time you throw your clothes in the washing machine you use about 50 gallons of water. Water overflowing from the overhead tanks can be restricted. Say 'NO' to any sort of water fun, avoiding water waste is a pre-condition to providing water to the thirsty. * Save water Save life! PERFECTING YOUTH Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 STUDENT'S CORNER Attending a Perfecting Youth Session is dedicating just 3 hours a month to learn how to make a LIFE - a life that is purposeful and worth living. The variety of topics covered and the simplicity and innovation of the manner in which Sahebji explains them is what makes PYS unique. We are reconnected to religion, tradition and moral values in a world where all three are diminishing. We are taught how to build and refine our character. No Cambridge, Oxford or IIT/ IIM will teach us what we learn here. Every session fills us with new knowledge, new inspiration and new perspectives. The bottom line: one cannot go home empty handed after a session even if he/she wishes to. This is the reason we are indebted to Sahebji and the entire PYS team. I can confidently say that if we are able to apply PYS in our life nobody can stop us from becoming PERFECT. DHRUMI SHAH (T.Y.B.A.) PYS 04 PYS 01 02-09-2010 TOWARDS A PRINCIPALLY PYS 02 TOWARDS AN ETHICAL MIND IRLA SOUND LIFE IRLA PYS 06 02-10-2010 PYS 03 19-12-2010 FIT FOR CHALLENGES RESPECTING ELDERS ORLA IRLA PYS 05 PHILOSOPHY 14-11-2010 13-02-2011 CONSCIOUS IN DECISIVE MOMENTS BORIVALI EMOTIONAL PYS 07 16-01-2011 AT HEART BORIVALI 24-04-2011 HOW TO BE TOLERANT? BORIVALI PERFECTING YOUTH Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER Hearing "PYS" a vibrant energy runs through my body. It's been more than 3 years I have been attending PYS sessions and it has incredibly worked like a charm in my life! My very first session had a great impact on me. Each Perfecting Youth Session gives me new formulas for self improvement. The good delivers of Gurudev taught me simplicity, spirituality, patriotism, ethical behaviour, patience, tolerance, self development, controlling anger and many more things. Gurudev's speech captives us with tales of his great experience and ability to tie the real world adventures into the way we think, operate and manage, brings a fresh new perspective on how we need to change and deal with the challenges ahead of us. Gurudev teaches us which no other top universities in the world can teach us! Gurudev's inspiring thoughts and good delivers contributes to my success. I am sure I must have done some very good deeds owing to which god has blessed me with such eternal GURUDEV and PYS! Dharmin M. Kothari (B.E. Civil) PERFECTING YOUTH PYS 09 PYS 08 05-06-2011 STEPS TO SELF DEVELOPMENT IRLA 19-06-2011 SHRAPENING THE BRAIN MALAD PYS 10 033333333 GADGETS: A PYS 11 15-08-2011 THE REAL CHANGE IN INDIA NEW ADDICTION GHATKOPAR GHATKOPAR PYS 12 10-07-2011 PYS 13 NON-VIOLENCE IN BELIEF & BEHAVIOUR GHATKOPAR 02-10-2011 THE LOST PRIORITY PYS 14 11-09-2011 GHATKOPAR Society bricade Family Enemies Self Environmen 20-11-2011 A SELF EDIT PROGRAM GHATKOPAR 33 Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER PYS 15 18-12-2011 PROSPERITY THROUGH POSITIVITY GHATKOPAR Well a little bit of introduction of myself before I express my gratitude to PYS. I have been attending the sessions since Parag bhai brought it into my attention. From day one I felt so connected, I was so touched by how Guruji made us understand complicated things in the simplest way. I almost attended the session by not missing a single session for a year. PYS 16 15-01-2012 SELECT YOUR FRIENDS BORIVALI PYS 17 12-02-2012 SIMPLE LIVING & HIGH THINKING BORIVALI Than I had to migrate to USA as my wedding was fixed before I started attending the sessions and hence I arrived to USA and that was the most unfortunate part that I couldn't attend it anymore. One thing I remember is the teaching was to serve without anything in return, I keep sharing here in satsang that how much immense knowledge he has offered to us also know the patriotic heart that he has, no matter where I be in life I will never forget the preaching's that what we owe to the motherland. PYS 18 08-04-2012 A RIDE ON THE SUCCESS ROAD SUCCESS GOREGOAN PYS 19 13-05-2012 IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY BORIVALI Here in my letter I am just trying to make efforts to express how grateful I am to have a guru a teacher like him in my life. I did not get chance to express my gratitude when I was in India but since I m here I realize the importance of what he has taught to us, I try to remember and imply it in my day to day life. PYS 20 1 7-06-2012 RELATION: A MATTER OF UNDERSTANDING DADAR DHWANI. N. TALSANIA M.B.A. (U.S.A.) PYS 21 08-07-2012 HOW TO CONTROL ANGER? MATUNGA 34 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER PYS 22 15-08-2012 INDEPENDENCE: YET TO COME MATUNGA PYS 23 02-09-2012 INFLUENCE OF WESTERN CULTURE MAJUNGA, and always has been, the "key"! I attended my first PYS on 6th July 2014 at Goregaon. I was truly amazed & impressed by the live examples & showing practical approach to youth & professionals in the right direction. I had been travelling 15-17 days a month due to my job profile but after hearing the sessions I decided to quit my job & take an assignment which requires minimum travel so that I can give some time to my family & practice 'Work-Life balance [Tejas Shah after completing MBA, M.Com, Diploma in finance management & a short course in management from IIM Ahmedabad, started working for IBM and managing India/South Asia for specific set of products in IBM software group. He was rewarded for the best performance in 2013 in IBM and earned a place in IBM hundred percent club. From August 2014 he joined Oracle] PYS 24 02-10-2012 LIFE - A SEVEN COLOURED RAINBOW MAJUNGA PYS 25 02-11-2012 OH! MY GOD MATUNGA PYS 26 25-11-2012 MOM! A WONDER MATUNGA Tejas Shah(M.B.A.) WHAT PERFECTING YOUTH HAS GIVEN ME? PYS 27 16-12-2012 GO FOR VIRTUOUS UPLIFTMENT GHATKOPAR Healthy Mind Emotional Heart Strong Character Pleasant Mood Oops!! this is something which is not given by my 21 years of academic education!!. PYS 28 20-01-2013 HOW TO CONTROL THE CRIME LEVEL BORIVALI Parag Dhami(C.A.) PERFECTING YOUTH 35 Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15 THE STUDENT'S CORNER PYS 29 10-02-2013 LEARNING FROM We were living our life with THE MISTAKES Negligence, GHATKOPAR Without having any PATIENCE, PYS 30 07-04-2013 You showed us a new way to deal with LANGUAGE our CRITICS, IMPORTANCE OF And our thoughts have now become YOUR MOTHER TONGUE more Optimistic, MULUND KEY SACRIFICE has now a new meaning altogether, PYS 31 28-04-2013 ANGER decreased and may vanish MEASURING THE from us forever, But you said WORDS Can Create INTEGRITY LEVEL DESTINY, GHATKOPAR And we will follow this till Eternity, You are a true asset in our Lives, PYS 32 09-06-2013 And have given a new meaning to our A-Z OF SELECTING Life. Dhaval Shah (B.E.Civil) & A LIFE PARTNER Jigna Shah(B.H.Sc.) BORIVALI PERADO PYS 33 07-07-2013 PERFECT NATURE GOVALIA TANK Gurudev says, If Wealth is lost, nothing is lost; If Health is lost; something is lost; And if character is lost, everything is lost.... But We say :If movie is lost nothing is lost: If a degree is lost, something is lost: And if PYS is lost, everything is PYS 34 15-08-2013 MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL FLAG GOVALIA TANK lost... VOICE OF MANY STUDENTS H PYS 35 22-09-2013 BE CAUTIOUS FOR THE PRECIOUS GOVALIA TANK 36 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER Perfecting youth has not only given a new thinking but taught me how to think. I realized that it is not what you don't have but optimization of what you have, not aspiring to become like somebody but becoming somebody and aspiring others to follow you. Gave up vices and embraced virtues. PYS 36 06-10-2013 RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES & RELATIONS GOVALIA TANK PYS 37 10-11-2013 THEORY OF KARMA GOVALIA TANK I was never so proud of being an Indian. Culture, values & tradition are my treasures. My parents are my living God. Every PY Session gives me new direction, knowledge, ideas to upgrade and enhance myself. It changed my Perception that a Monk' can be so knowledgeable. PYS 38 24-11-2013 POWER OF SELF RESISTANCE PAREL GMC PYS 39 15-012-2013 THE INVISIBLE FORCE: G-FORCE BORIVALI Harsh Shah (MBA) gut der PYS 40 05-01-2014 LIMITATIONS OF MONEY BORIVALO Well what I say about PYS..... It Pushes Your Soul (pys) towards d right path. It motivated & inspired me to take part in various different events namely bird camp, no plastic zone etc... VOW!! just what a great experience itwas...Getting inner satisfaction, knowing new! people...before I started attending PYS I was not that spiritually attached but once I attended, the side of the coin changed. I am thankful to p.p.udayvallabh m.s for such Sinspiration.... THANK U!!! DHWIP SHAH PYS 41 16-02-2014 VALUE OF SPARE TIME VILE PARLE COMPA PYS 42 30-03-2014 HAVE PASSION FOR COMPASSION * BUCULLA 23 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PYS 43 20-04-2014 MAGIC OF INFLUENCE SANTACRUZ PYS 44 11-05-2014 HOW TO DEAL WITH CRITICISM BORIVALI PYS 45 22-06-2014 HOW TO CULTIVATE PATIENCE GOVALIA TANK immermany STUDENT'S CORNER Before few years I was fighting with 3 consecutive failures in my CA career... Being a daughter of small farmer's family I always had some financial problems & many more struggles... Once my friend took me to PYS... In first session only I became fan on Shree Uday vallabh vijayji. He is the most adorable personality I have found in my life... We have seen paid seminars worth Rs. 2000-5000 on Motivational and life changing topics... Have seen many on YouTube.... but these are the most effective and most cost beneficial... Coz its Free of cost Pick drop Facility followed by lunch... How my life is changed after attending PYS is not possible to explain in few words coz 1) PYS did not give me a CA degree, but taught me how to face failures & bounce back with double strength... Today I am a successful Chartered Accountant working with Reliance... 2) PYS did not give me a good life partner but it gave me A-Z of selecting a Best soul mate 3) You will not earn money through PYS but it taught me how to manage during worst financial crisis 4) PYS did not arrange friends for me but it gave me the principles to select good friends 5) I got to know EQ's importance along with IQ 6) Sudha murthy is my ideal and not bollywood actresses 7) I got to know that Boundaries around me are not to stop me but for my safety according to me PYS should be a compulsory subject in schools & colleges.... it will change the psychology of today's dynamic youth culture & help in reducing India's crime level... ANKITA PATEL(CA) based erish ethics studu undrand stone PYS 46 06-07-2014WORDS CAN SHAPE seunICS! YOUR DESTINY prilosophy concepts GOREGOAN moral contemporary involves terme philosophical independent PYS 47 15-08-2014 LIVE WITH SELF ESTEEM GOREGOAN PYS 48 07-09-2014 ENJOYING SACRIFICE GOREGOAN PYS 49 28-09-2014 GLOBAL WARNING GOREGOAN 38 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PYS 50 19-10-2014 FROM EDUCATION TO EXECUTION GOREGOAN STUDENT'S CORNER How do I describe PYS? An innovative thinking & logical application it surely has... Every month comes a special date, Where exciting topics make u check-n-mate... Competancy, Currency, Contact & Character, Had lost this 4 C's all because of my Ego factor... But, PYS gave me Consistency, Confidence, Creativity & Courage, Which I would cherish all through my age.... Till date lived with a mind full of Corrupt, Negligence & Fashion, that had forever spoilt my Culture, Nature & Future... But, PYS taught me to b Conscious, Neutral & Friendly, in matter of Career, Nurture & Failure... Arrogance altered to Affection & Temper transformed to Tolerance... Rudeness reversed to Respect & Intelligence instead of Ignorance... All credit to PYS who took away my Mistakes - Evils to convert ME, Will eternally remain my life's masterkey....! PYS - Picks Your Soul to Preserve Your Self in Permanent Yielding Surrounding by Pujyashree's Yorker Style...! Proud to b a PYS student Dr. Richa Dharod PERFECTING YOUTH Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER God doesn't exist in marble idols!', ' So much of rice and milk and other things are wasted in offerings to God!", 'God doesn't exist in temples, he is present in our hearts', 'All of this is blind faith and nothing else' etc. etc.... These were the arguments that came from the 8 people participating in a Group Discussion in my college. There were about 10 people in the Group Discussion and 8 out of 10 were for the topic and 2 of us,were against the ideas potrayed in Oh My God. Then it all started: Strong arguments, aren't they? For me also these arguments would have been strong had I not attended the perfecting youth session. On attending the sessions I was thoroughly convinced by the logical presentation I got against OMG. During the GD I grabbed the opportunity & passed on my views. "How much food is consumed in offerings and how much food is wasted in receptions and big fat weddings!! In big receptions instead of criticizing what do we all say?? 'kya reception tha bhai!! Maza an gaya! So why doesn't anybody criticize the wastage which is much greater in volumes there?? This is the hypocracy of people. And the foodstuffs that go into the offerings are not wasted, they are collected and then distributed among the poor. But nobody will say this. They say its blind faith. I say faith is always blind. If everything had a reason 40 and was proven scientifically then it would have been logic, not faith. So Faith is always blind. The discussion was meant to last only for 20 mins, but everybody including the teacher; who was not supposed to intervene, actively participated in the discussion: People were so engrossed in it that 50 mins elapsed and only when the next teacher came in, we knew that the class was over. At the end of it everybody was so impressed by the ideas that they were not only convinced but also told me that they had the wrong notion till the discussion started and. thanked me for opening their eyes! The response after the GD was so satisfying that I thought i was able to do some justice to the right ideas & hardwork that maharajsaheb puts in delivering everysession of Prefecting Youth. It was really a fascinating experience! Perfecting Youth sessions not only give calm and serenity but also give so many different perspectives and ideas to think about that we can relate to in our day to day life. They definitely go a long way in developing our personality. Mohit P. Shah (Pursuing CA) PERFECTING YOUTH Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER My whole reflection through PYS session is very short because I have joined in recently, just couple of sessions back. I was introduced to PYS through a new friend. He had only asked me to attend only one session n assured that I would be proud to be a Jain. I had laughed on his confidence because I am known as anti Gujarati or anti Jain among my friends. Just to test his confidence & it was near my place I attended my 1st session - 'G - Force'. I was completely surprised to see such huge crowd. Then I was even more surprised that Guruji talks in youthful language & amount of knowledge & awareness of conflicts that we face in our day to day life. I was engrossed in listening n felt connected. After the session I messaged my friend thank you & said yes he wins & I am proud of being Jain. I also try to bring in more people along with me for the session. These sessions are helping me professionally too. Basically I am a Counseling Psychologist - working at Vandrevala Foundation Mental Health 24X7 telephonic counseling Helpline. Formulas like C6 & E6 - I can use them in my counseling sessions. Workshops. Talks etc... Even after night shift and pushing myself to attend session feels worth the efforts & brings in new energy. I read Guruji's book 'Mind Your Mind' it made me fall in love with myself. Recently I am falling sick n visiting Doctors became my part time job. This made me stressed out & always had fear of growing older & dependency. But this book had brought change in my vision to my ailment & fear of old age has reduced. This book I kept at my office library & my colleague asked me if I had more such books. "2nd Edition book helps us to help parents in therapy. I also took Gujarati books for MA. Felt like learning Gujarati to read Guruji's book. At the end would say these sessions cannot be express better in words but they are better experienced. Archita Shah (Counseling Psychologist) PERFECTING YOUTH 47 Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER I remember this one session last year most distinctly- I and several attendees were all in tears. It was a session on parents. Each one of us fight with our parents on small matters, on a daily basis, and pay little attention to the impact this has on their lives, the sacrifices that they have made just so that we enjoy our lives. Guruji made us realize this, and that realization has made all the difference to my behavior ever since. To call it a turning point in my life would not be wrong. Through all the PYS sessions, I have learnt many things about being humane, but most importantly I have discovered two key things1. I found a "guruji", it is difficult for the youth of today to find one that truly gets them, But, guruji does. He does not disregard our opinion but respects it, and he doesn't preach but shares knowledge and logically explains what it means to be a good human. And this is why he makes an Ideal. 2. I realized how much self-resistance I really possess. I used to be easily influenced by my peers, but through the influence of these sessions I have developed an ability to say no. I look for happiness within me rather than aspire to fit in or hope to be cool. And that has made all the difference to my life. The impact of PYS is visible not only on my life but on my family's and friends' lives, and I know that this multiplier effect will only get stronger with each new session! Jinal Sanghvi 42 1. Youth of every generation needs an ideal person whose values he can imbibe. Panyas Gurudev Uday Vallabh ji M.S. is an ideal inspiration person for the Jain youth. Perfecting Youth Session ("PYS") is the perfect platform for the Jain youngsters to bring transformation in their lives and live life with religious and social values. 2. The life and ideals of Gurudev are the greatest inspiration for the youth of PYS. Gurudev possesses an incomparable speaking skills and dialogue delivery, excellent command over Gujarati, Hindi and English with clear and in-depth knowledge and perceptive understanding of religious and spiritual ideas, concepts, and issues. 3. The writings of Gurudev can ignite the minds of the youth. Gurudev is like a candle whose flame is eternal. He is in true sense our Kalyan Mitra because he always cares for youth. 4. PYS has helped the youth, from time to time, to select the purpose of life, provided required self-confidence, motivation, encouragement, and taught true values. 5. The aim of PYS for the youth is to attain the pinnacle of success in their respective careers with utmost dedication. Gurudev has always focused that pursuing a challenge with sheer commitment and dedication is indeed a road to success. 6. Its endeavor is to arm our youth with the relevant knowledge and skill that will help them to convert their mammoth potential to desired results. It is indeed high time that we resolve to follow these ideals and take the youth to greater heights. Kalpesh Shah (C.S., LLB) PERFECTING YOUTH Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER Firstly feel extremely proud for 2 things : To be a part of PYS & To be a Jain" It can only happen here that one person can go on for 3 hours continuously at the top of his voice, without a break, without water, keep the audience involved. amazed and entertained. Always new topics, new stories, new factual data with incredible research. Topics touching heart, nurturing lives of others. He has the ability to connect with all age groups depending on the audience. Hats off! Can guarantee from nowhere else will we get to see such a feat. Super human efforts. It's only because of PYS I feel I can talk about values like integrity, culture, values, modesty, Humility, religion, Matruvandana, Mother tongue and so much more. There are so many topics which clear your unspoken doubts to anyone. A new perspective to look at things be it brands, savings, friends or sacrifice. We create brands. Learn so much about people whom we should know more about. Not only the session it's the entire family that has been formed now. You make new friends with same thought process, same values, and same perspectives. (Kalyan Mitra) Two strangers could meet somewhere, smile and walk away thinking. PYS walo... Being a part of PYS, one can say he/she has been a part of history. Writing emails to the water ministry, planning commission opposing removing the ban on beef export and mailing ideas to various ministries and so on. Very few people at this age could be part of something like this. It gives a person, the platform, the stage to think big think right and achieve new heights in the right directions. Feels so proud when you hear hundreds of people clapping together and in the same tune nonstop for 2-3 minutes, tears in eyes of people listening to some sensitive topics. Feel to be a proud PYS and can say we are in the right hands being extremely well groomed. Apart from this there are so many management lessons which I can learn. Planning, coordination, research, Analyzing the past, implementing in the present for a better future. Starting from messages, calls, co-ordination of the buses, music, pre speech, session, post speech, lunch, home, everything happens so smoothly. Without a doubt the hours spent in PYS have been the most valuable and always felt more learned after attending each session. Learning's from preschool, School, College and Post Graduation < 30-35 sessions of PYS. Ankit Bhilota(M.B.A.) PERFECTING YOUTH Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER Let me begin with the one who ingeniously conceived and splendidly conducted all the sessions perfecting the youth, Param pujya panyas shri Uday Vallabh Maharaj Saheb. A natural orator, a visionary and a genius. The topics of PYS pertain not only to Jainism, but also to spirituality, patriotism, ethical behaviour, and social well being... so in addition to building a righteous character it also helps in betterment of daily life... For me, PYS brings about radical changes in oneself... to name a few... more respect and love for . parents, deeper understanding of Jainism, Compassion and tolerance towards fellow living beings, more proud about rich Indian heritage, empathising with under privileged, self esteem... and guy next door is so enthusiastic about PYS...There may be many other reasons but the result is same... a whole hearted participation and support. In my view, PYS does the job of a doctor curing the widespread social ailments, it works like an architect bridging generation gap, like a farmer laying seeds of ethics and values, like a lawyer advocating a better way of living... I would like to end by congratulating the core team of PYS. Their efforts in arranging convenient logistics and impeccable organisation play a very vital part silently behind the curtains. The success of PYS does rest on their responsible shoulders. A humble salute to all their efforts as we look forward for many more sessions. Pratik Shah(C.A.) so on... He has no TENSION; He gives full ATTENTION: Shares his knowledge with the today's! GENERATION: For a better NATION: Gurudev has an art of conveying "sensitive messages with a pinch of humour, wit and live examples so that it is well received and retained by the audience. His vibrant personality keeps the target audience of the young and restless totally hooked and engrossed. I The Gen Y gets the logic and purpose behind our rituals and traditions. I wonder why instead of having a lazy morning on a holiday, these sea of young people flock in great numbers to PYS... is it because of the relevance of the topics... is it because of magnetic personality of param pujya gurudev... is it because the Through his Perfecting Youth SESSION; He is in Perfecting Youth System. Harsh Ajani 44 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STUDENT'S CORNER I have been motivated in moving on with the decisions of my life. I love listening to the speeches & the way it is being expressed to younger generation. I have attended all the sessions from 1 till 50 & I will continue the same in future. An unusual beginning of a journey in my life began on 2nd of September 2010 with an "Ultimate-DAY dream" kind of a concept namely "Perfecting Youth". This session was meant to inspire today's youth to imbibe moral values within them - which is the need of an hour. As education system is lacking in such value based teaching so PYS took an opportunity to overcome their shortcomings and to fulfil the necessary values essential to lead a happy & peaceful life. I truly feel that it is the Beacon Light for the youth of INDIA. PYS is preparing today's youth to work for a developed India. I am amazed at the overwhelming response from the Youth for PYS. I am so glad that I got a chance to express my heartfelt admiration for PYS. Gurudev you've always been an Idol, a RoleModel for me. I am still imperfect in my perfection & I'm experiencing that you'll make me PERFECT. Punit Shah (MBA-IS) During my college days, I was confused & I used to wonder whether I will be able to work for betterment of society in a way or other as I was unaware of & even not clear about my views and not able to identify what was there within me. PYS started . I attended it one after another and series of events came along the path. This was actually something what I was waiting for! In every session I learnt something new and interesting. It transformed my thought process. I got acquainted with different angles & I'm able to change my narrow outlook towards life. Being a Teacher I found the Topics covered in PYS are The Best & I'm sure none of the subjects included in curriculum can cover it. It helped me to think with broader mind & made my analytical skills more intense. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Causes behind 46 66 the effects WORLD! Full of ups and downs. Full of wonders and worries. Full of similarities and dissimilarities. Full of dramas and disasters. 99 Full of wows and woes. A man living an ascetic life might face a road accident and a don may live a life of long comforts. A studious student may face an upset on the very morning of the exams and a careless student may just pass through. A man regular in eating habits and responsible in all fields may be facing many health issues, whereas a regularly irregular might always remain fit and fine. A calculative mind may go topsy turvy in a big deal and a blind speculator may turn the table in his favour. A visionary person's advice may go unheeded and a man with dubious interest might win fame in public. An eligible person may wait jobless and a dull personality may be rewarded a promotion. What can be the cause? Efforts? Absolutely not! Otherwise how come a man earn crores effortlessly and the perspiring labourers go penniless! Education/Knowledge? we see Then why do the reverse happening? A 12th Std. dropout Mr. Bill administering Microsoft and running the Great Gattes Foundation, and thousands of MBA's waiting for recruitment. Empowerment? Not possible! How can the man at power be prosecuted or rusticated then? So neither efforts, nor education, nor empowerment work wonders, unless PERFECTING YOUTH Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ being relatively supported by some other element and we have to assume that karma and destiny go side by side, guided by human efforts design the life sketch. (Destiny is self-determined and Karmas are created by us.) Sometimes you can hardly see any reason for the dissimilarities between the two siblings and at times there may be seen no logic behind a sequenced similarity serial observed between two extremely different and distant individuals. An interesting phenomenon about the lives of Abraham Lincoln and John E Kennedy two former Presidents of the U.S.A. might be useful to prove the fact. Abraham Lincoln John F. Kennedy Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President. in 1960. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. PERFECTING YOUTH Both lost their children while living in the White House. . * * * * * . * Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. * Both Presidents were shot while seated next to their wife. Both Presidents were shot on Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head. Lincoln's personal secretary was named John (Nicolay). Kennedy's personal secretary named (Evelyn) Lincoln. was Lincoln's secretary advised him not to go to the theatre. Kennedy's secretary advised him not to go to Dallas. Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners. Both of them had successor named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded. Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded. Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by three names. Both names were comprised of fifteen letters. 47 Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lincoln was shot at the theatre named 'Ford'. Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford'. Lincoln was shot in a theatre and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse. incorrect plans? Was it because of wrong thoughts? If yes, then from where incorrect plans came? From where all wrong thoughts come? Is there any hidden element working behind this? Was it all because of God? No. Not possible! God is always so kind. He never wants his children like us to suffer from anything. Then, is it okay to believe there was no cause behind these? No. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theatre. When you can't come across any visible There has to be a cause behind every effect. Act Karma Booth and Oswald were assassinated before trials. The two U.S. Presidents were born with a gap of 100 years from each other; there was absolutely no relation between the two. Yet we see stunning similarities in their lives. Let's look at the other side... A mother gives birth to two siblings, brings them up in the same manner, inculcates in them the same values; yet we see lots of dissimilarities in both the children. Two children of different parents are astonishingly similar and two children, of same parents are quite different in their characters, qualities, habits, intellect, physical features, etc. Why is it so? - Mr. A, who does his business in an honest way, clears off each and every debt with his suppliers. Still sometimes he has to run around his customers like mad to collect his own money. Why is it cause, you have to assume an invisible one: and that can be the act of Karma (and not the Act of God!) Whatever happened in past or is happening in present or will happen in future is all because of Karma. It is Karma, which is operating the world. It keeps the account of all living beings, of their thoughts, of their words, of both good and bad deeds; of both present and past life, and then it pronounces its decisions, whether to reward or to punish, which everybody has to accept. Nobody can escape or has escaped from Karma. It may give its decision immediately or sometimes adjourn the same. Whatever the case may be, but it will definitely give its verdict which are always bound to be Sure, Silent and Smart. so? Mr. B always experiences the downfall even when the market is stable. Why? Who does all these? Who is working behind these incidents? Was it because of PERFECTING YOUTH Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ in action. probably that's why he Karma operates as a self We always believe couldn't settle in his that whatever good/extra operating mechanism, own. as a natural universal/ ordinary happens is because of 'me' Arthur Ashe, the law, without any only. e.g, I got first rank legend a ry need of an external because I worked hard for it. Or I got Wimbledon player entity to manage success in the business: it was all because of was dying of AIDS them. It's like an the kind of efforts I had put in. We always which he got due to "All time Jan think that, "I am something". And, whenever infected blood he Lokpal" sparing no received during a the responsibility for the same on our heart surgery in likes of Mahavir shoulders. We often pass it on to God. 1983. Swami. We can say it We defame the God He received letters from works on the theory of his fans all over the world, Cause and Effect. If there is a one of which conveyed: "Why cause, there has to be an effect. And if does God have to select you for such a bad there is an effect, it has to have a cause disease?" behind it. To this Arthur replied, "The world over, 50 For e.g. it's not when an umpire raises the million children start playing tennis, 5 finger the batsman is declared out... it's million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn when the batsman does something wrong professional tennis, 50.000 come to the (cause) that compels the umpire to raise circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 his finger (effect) and the batsman is reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi-final, 2 to the declared Out. finals and after defeating the opponent in Karma works on the same theory. The the finals, Theory of Cause & Effect! Treating each when I was and every individual in an unbiased way! holding the In the aforesaid examples cup I never asked God * Mr. A might have played with the 'Why me?'. sentiments of somebody in his current or previous life, knowingly or And today in unknowingly, that's why his near ones pain I should are playing with his sentiments, even not be asking though he is an honest person. God, 'Why Mr. B. perhaps did not allow somebody to settle in a particular business, me? PERFECTING YOUTH 49 Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ An attitude of its kind, we can say. When we NEVER ask God in good times, 'Why me?', then why should we question in tough times. When someone gets a good job, or a house, or a car, or a lottery, have you ever seen him saying, 'Oh God! Why me?', instead its like, 'its me & why not?' As if we were responsible for the success and God was responsible for the failure. generally that's our ringtone. Michael Mastromarino Convicted of illegally harvesting human tissue undergo dental and hip transplant from corpses, some diseased with cancer and aids. Eventually he himself DIED from LIVER CANCER that spread to his bones. What goes around eventually comes back to us. Even after this explanation, a common query remaining unsolved may tweet, a true priest or saint gets diseases and a murderer gets clean chit after many trials.Is it not clearly a management error in the effective governance of karma? But, reality is different; There may be many people behind our success but we are the only one responsible for our failure. We must believe that whatever good has happened or is happening is always because of my good deeds or karma as well as the fruit of blessings and best wishes bestowed on me (sharing the credit of success with God or Parents, help us in staying humble). On the other hand, whatever bad happened or is happening, is also because of my bad deeds or karma. It's not wise to share failure with others as it leads to illthinking for others. There is nothing mightier in the world than karma; karma tramples down all powers, as an elephant a clump of lotuses. Things happen due to the result of our past doings. We reap what we had sown and nobody else can make this happen or change. You can see a brutal murderer in a serial running free in one episode and in the next episode you can see him coming out of a Mandir and being caught by the Police tracing him since the last week. There is no logical link seen here. Can someone visiting a Mandir get imprisoned? But you can connect the happenings in different episodes and go for a logical conclusion. It was not 'visiting Mandir' but the 'brutal murder' committed previously which was the reason for imprisonment. Similarly bad ones here, may have done some good deeds in the past episodes (births) and so they get good fruits in spite of their Michael Mastromarino became a millionaire by stealing organ tissue, bones and other body parts from more than 1,200 corpses. About 10.000 patients had to PERFECTING YOUTH Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ current bad deeds and we are perplexed to see this. Similarly, doing good does not make a miracle overnight, it gives you an assurance 'Achhe din aane wale hai'. As you sow, so you reap. No one is an exception in the Universal & Uninfluenced Karma governance! Not just what you plan or perform in present counts, your past deeds count too. That's why at times you are rewarded a miraculous escape 'cos of some one's bad planning targeting you and sometimes you are caught because of your bad planning in spite of targeting someone else. instantly. Neither the shooter nor the deceased was aware that a safety net had been installed just below the eighth floor level to protect some building workers and that Ronald Opus would not have been able to complete his suicide the way he had planned. "Ordinarily"Dr Mills continued, "A person who sets out to commit suicide and ultimately succeeds, even though the mechanism might not be what he intended, it is still defined as committing suicide." That Mr. Opus was shot on the way to certain death, but probably would not have been successful because of the safety net, caused the medical examiner to feel that he had a homicide in his hand. When karma favours everything is fine and when karma does not favour, its like a curse with a curve. An exciting episode reported in Associated Press might clear the theory. 23rd March 1994... The medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and concluded that he died from a shotgun wound on the head. Mr. Opus had jumped from the top of a tenstorey building intending to commit suicide. In the room on the ninth floor, where the shotgun blast emanated. was occupied by an elderly man and his wife. They were arguing vigorously and he was threatening her with a shotgun. The man was upset when he pulled the trigger he completely missed his wife and the pellets went through the window striking Mr. Opus. When charged with murder. the old man said that he thought the shotgun was unloaded. It was a long standing habit to threaten his wife with an unloaded shotgun. He had no intention to murder her. Therefore the killing of Mr. Opus appeared to be an accident; that is, if the gun had been He left a note to the effect indicating his despondency. As he fell past the ninth floor, his life was interrupted by a shotgun blast passing through a window, which killed him PERFECTING YOUTH Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 accidentally loaded. The continuing investigation turned up at witness who saw the old couple's son loading the shotgun about six weeks prior to the fatal accident. It transpired that the old lady had cut off her son's financial support and the son, knowing the propensity of his father to use the shotgun threateningly, loaded the gun with the expectation that his father would shoot his mother anytime unknowingly. Since the loader of the gun was aware of this, he was guilty of the murder even though he didn't actually pull the trigger. The case now becomes one of murder on the part of the son for the death of Ronald. Opus. Now comes the exquisite twist. Further investigation revealed that the son was, in fact, Ronald Opus. He had become increasingly despondent over the failure of his attempt to engineer his mother's murder. This led him to jump off the ten-storey building on March 23rd, only to be killed by a shotgun blast passing through the ninth storey window. The son had actually murdered himself so the medical examiner closed the case as a suicide. At the 1994 Annual Awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS President, Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded the audience with the legal complications of this bizarre death. One has to clear the debt that he owes and receive the blessings, when bestowed! So what's in your hand? Nothing, if you are unaware. Everything, if you are aware. Let's discuss some routine cases. CASE 1 Years back you might have offered a biscuit to a street dog and just as it came up licking its lips you took the biscuit. up...made it stand on two feet and went on to compel the creature do what you wanted it to do. Yu...yu...yu... Tomy! yu.... and finally you gave away the biscuit. This was the cause....leading to an effect. like... Even after delivering the goods and you are not able to get the payment on due date. Asking for the payment frequently, just leads to another round of promises. There goes on irritating wait. Finally you get the payment, but after many hiccups. Try to recollect that yu...yu...yu.... episode that might have been reflected! CASE 2 Your colleague is a straight forward guy, but the only thing is he stammers a bit. It became a fun time for you to tease him on and often and you enjoyed it. As the effect it may give you dumbness or stammered speech or some sort of disability to speak well. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CASE 3 Helping others gets you in a situation where you hardly need any help and are well provided when needed. Barking dogs often disturbed your sleep at night. You went to call the Municipal authorities. The next day, the van came, picked up the dogs and you were at peace. No matter what happened to that dogs thereafter. Healing others or serving some bedridden grant you a long life with good health. * Respecting others secures respect for you. * Charity provides prosperity. There are two important days in our life. Now, this is a cause creating an effect to such an extent that you may get a houseless life, or a life void of any care taker or an accident might give you a lifelong disability. CASE 4 1. The day we are born. 2. The day we realize why we are born. The journey to this world has gifted us a special spiritual programme meant for upgrading the virtues and curbing the vices! It was your student days. You are in a hostel room, sharing a room along with 3 room partners. You just took a wallet out of your friend's drawer and placed it in the other fellow's drawer. You quit the room. Not finding the wallet in the drawer your friend went for a search. On finding it in the partner's drawer, that too wisely hidden beneath a folder he made a blast.... accused..... alleged.... against his friend, the years old friendship ended up in a bitter breakup. Well, you may have never intended to do so but if that was the outcome and you had no guts to clarify or make up for the damage, it may lead you to a terrible spoil in a healthy relationship somewhere, be it with your parents, life partners, business partners or friends. Beware! Similarly the good deeds like seeds also crop up and yield health, happiness and harmony. Philosophy of karma creates awareness and restricts many bad deeds and hence curbs the vices. The relation between Goodness & Happiness also creates a passion to do good and helps us to be good and this is the reason for which we are born! KARMA PERFECTING YOUTH Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 ENJOYING SACRIFICE Titled "TERROR AT THE TAJ BOMBAY CUSTOMER-CENTRIC LEADERSHIP" this Harvard university case study based on the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai has been developed by Rohit Deshpande. This case study throws light on the extraordinary valour, bravery, presence of mind, hospitality and sacrificing spirit of the hotel employees. Led by Mallika Jagad, about 35 Taj hotel employees were managing the dinner party hosted by Hindustan Unilever. This party was held on the occasion of bidding farewell to their outgoing CEO and welcoming the new CEO. Around 9.30 p.m. they heard what they thought to be fireworks at a nearby wedding. However, it was a different reality altogether. These were the first gunshots from the terrorists who had attacked the hotel. Jagad realized that something was wrong and started working towards ensuring the safety of her guests. She had the doors locked, separated the couples (intelligently enough so that if something unexpected happens, either member of the couple could survive) and refrained everyone from using their cell phones. The terrorists stayed there all night: hurling grenades, firing weapons and tearing the hotel apart. The staff also evacuated the guests first on seeing a fire in the hallway outside. Elsewhere in the hotel, the senior waiter at the Japanese restaurant gave up his life in the pursuit of saving his guests. Karamveer Singh Kang the General Manager of Taj who was busy in a conference elsewhere returned back and immediately took charge at the hotel. Supervising the evacuation of the guests he co-ordinated the firefighters amid the chaos. By midnight the entire 6th floor was on flames. This could have been a vital blow on his commitment as that was the place where his family stayed (Taj managerial suite is on the sixth floor) even though it was quite impossible to PERFECTING YOUTH Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ save them, he could have been emotionally driven but he continued leading the rescue efforts till next day noon. He was sure his family was no more. He informed this to his father who told him, "Son, do your duty, do not desert your post" and he replied," If it (the hotel) goes down I will be the last man down." back exits in the hotel and could have easily fled the building as the natural human instinct would be to flee" Still, they were people who instinctively did the right thing." The guests were overwhelmed at the way the staff handled the entire situation. Every employee had only one aim - the safety of their guests. They did not care for their personal safety and their own life. As many as 11 employees- a third of the hotel casualties laid down their lives saving their 1200-1500 guests. It shows how leadership displayed by people in the bottom rank to the top levels in the organizational hierarchy helped in saving lives. It also focuses on the (a) hotel's history (b) it's approach to recruiting and training employees (c) Indian ancient culture of hospitality and the Atitthi devo bhav (Guest is God) philosophy and many other closely examined and interviewed aspects which also revealed the Taj Mumbai's historical roots in the patriotic movement for a free India. These employees were no army officers, they were not formally trained to handle such emergencies nor was this a clause in their employment contract. Then what motivated them? How were they able to display such valour and such gallantry? The story, probably apocryphal, goes back in 1890's, when security men denied J.N. Tata from entering into the Royal Nary Yacht club, pointing to a board that apparently said: 'No Entry for Indians and Dogs.' That pinch might have caused pain and he vowed to set up a hotel the likes of which the British had never seen. The Taj opened its door in 1903. The study mainly focuses why did the Taj employees stayed at their posts (during the attacks), jeopardizing their safety in order to save hotel guests and how can that level of loyalty and dedication be replicated elsewhere. Coming back to the 26/11 case, the study highlights some unusual facts like, The Case study further states "Even though the employees knew all the The Taj prefers to recruit people from PERFECTING YOUTH Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The role models of today's youth indude actor, cricketers, pop singers and the list goes on. Unfortunately great achievers like soldiers and committed policemen find no place in this list. smaller cities like Pune-Nashik etc. rather than Metros(Mumbai etc.) because that's where traditional Indian values such as respect for elders and teachers, humility, consideration for others still hold sway. It hires young ones, often straight out of high school, who display three traits - respect for elders, cheerfulness and neediness. The chosen candidates are trained at one of the six residential Taj group skill certification centres for 18 months, instead of the Industry standard of 12 months. education, Higher the standard of loyalty and commitment". One thing is sure; recruiting from towns (rather than metros) and recruiting for attitude and culture rather than grades will stand unheard. Apart from this, good deeds and performances in Taj group are instantly rewarded. The idea of valuing 'good' goes on to promote good. A research spanned for more than a year has highlighted a rare fact: Educated by not much higher standards and a mediocre personality, if it is cultural and cultivated, though may not be highly graded in education, may prove his sense of loyalty and responsibility even when critically situated. At the managerial level too, the company recruits from the lower-tier B schools as they find that MBA duates from these institutes are keen to build career with a single company and tend to fit in better with a customer centric culture (however, no one can be trained for a 26/11 like situation). So we just can't hold on to the idea of "Higher the standard of Education may give better ideas for management, but when the situation demands sacrifice, it is culture and special cultivation that works. 56 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The current education deals with overtakes and take overs, but gives no spark to light up the sacrificing spirit. The syllabus is filled up with chapters of achievements and information but there is hardly any space left to evaluate sacrifice. As a result, professional skill, managerial art and merely information (wrongly called knowledge) overrules sacrifice. The role models of today's youth include actors, cricketers, pop singers and the list goes on. Unfortunately people like soldiers or committed policemen find no place in this list. No one values these spirited and committed people who commit themselves to the service of the country. We associate police with bribe, beer and corruption. But there are likes of Tukaram Ombale who gave up his life just to capture the terrorist Ajmal Kasab alive. Can you recollect any person keeping a picture of this martyr on his wallpaper which is always occupied by the pictures of celebrities. PERFECTING YOUTH The youth are well informed of the sequence of several new names and profile of all the IPL players, but has anyone heard the names of Lt. Manoj Pandey, or Captain Vikram Batra and several others who laid down their lives on the border to protect the country. It's a matter to ponder over who deserves more credit, acknowledgment, media attention and applauds; a A hard hitting batsman smashes all records in a T-20 game and people go wild. It was Gayle all the way. Around the same time people witnessed the heart throbbing rescue work done by the army men during the Uttarakhand disaster. Who felt like making a poem or shayari and sharing them, praising their high efforts? 57 Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 sportsperson who plays for 2 hours and does what not in the remaining 22 hours, or a soldier who has selflessly committed his life to his nation and his fellow citizens 24 x 7 ? It is our misfortune that we are not even capable of thinking and differentiating between skill and sacrifice. Why can't a college event present such sacrificing episodes in an inspiring manner? Why can't there be a freedom fighter's day, celebrated with enthusiasm informing and inspiring others? We are all aware of the profits made by economic giants. We are remarkably informed of the current social status of so many celebrities but hardly any teen would have heard the name of K. Sundaram, a matter of pride for all the Indians. Can you imagine of a librarian in India being honored with the "Man of Millenium" award by US Govt.? Yes, an epitaph of altruism, P. Kalyan Sundaram has been conferred with this outstanding award for rendering his flawless services to orphans and needy as he donated his entire salary since last 30 years and thus being an example of exemplary sacrifice. The social worker from Tamil Nadu had worked as a librarian for some 30 years. He has not only donated his salary for the betterment and upliftment of the people in need in society, but also contributed his entire pension of Rs.10/-lakhs. Sundaram enjoys the enviable status of becoming the first person who has donated his entire earning for a social cause. Recognizing his incomparable contribution the US Govt. honored him with the "Man of Millenium" award. He received Rs. 30 crores as the award money but that too accelerated him on his charity path. He donated the entire amount for the betterment of others. His entering the social arena was far back, during his college days when the Indo-China war broke out and he contributed his gold chain to the Chief Minister Kamraj, for the war fund. Instead of applause and appreciation someone taunted him on this occasion saying "Its right when you earn on your own and then donate". Instead of taking this observation negatively, he took these words as a stepping stone. He had a long jump and he could overcome the lust and likings for a pleasant life with a selfless motive. He, as a bachelor has dedicated his life to serve others. United Nations Organisation (UNO) has previously PERFECTING YOUTH Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ honored him as 'outstanding person of the 20th century.' Sundaram, a gold medalist in library science has a Master's degree in literature and history from Madras University, India. He has also received the BAPASI award for best librarian in 2012, and many other awards from various organizations. No one could have even thought of such a 'Millionaire at Heart', being born a n d brought up in Melakaru velan gulam village of Nangunari taluka in Tirunelveli dist. of Tamil Nadu State in India. There are many emerging professionals engaged in social activities individually or through an NGO. These are not the ones who have renounced everything and as if they have only one thing to do. They do have a family and they do live duty bound family life. They balance out everything to contribute their efforts for effective purpose. Jains are very well aware of the works done and being done by Shri Kumarpal V. Shah and his colleagues. They are truly amazing when they engage in the post disaster relief work; be it in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Maharashtra, Gujarat or Indian border. Many of us have heard of a father adopting a child but in a rare instance, impressed by his simple living, high thinking life profile, southern superstar Rajnikanth has adopted him as his father. Salute to Indian culture which raises a man to such a pedestal of sacrifice and social service. Giving money is not the only way one can sacrifice. Giving your time, talent and consent irrespective of your dreams for a good cause is also a sacrifice. Reputed singer Mukeshji was once called up by a hospital authority. He was requested to visit a dying girl and fulfil her wish to hear Mukesh's live voice. The Great singer adjusted his pre-decided recording programme and visited the hospital. A sacrifice of personal priorities for the sake of someone's satisfaction! K. Saigal noticed two urchins singing at chow patty. No one was least concerned for them. Saigal asked for the harmonium and started singing the Even this happens only in INDIA Worth reading and sharing Mr.Kalayanasundaram PERFECTING YOUTH 59 Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Responsibility) at least voluntarily. There are many who are enjoying the provision of this special cause (PSR) same song. On hearing his melodious voice, people were startled and flocked around. At the end of the song Saigal placed a currency note on the collection dish. All the listeners admired and donated some amount. In a few minutes there was a handsome amount collected through which the urchins were benefited. A sacrifice of time and status for the sake of unknown kids! There are some teachers specially putting efforts for the slow learners and mentally disabled ones. Their efforts bear no fruits like upbringing a skilled student but they have a job satisfaction of enjoying sacrifice behind those, for whose progress no one might have come forward. Dr. A. V. Mehta(Malad) is a classic example to this. Such examples inspire you to make a move forward for the act of sacrifice. If not monetarily, then on the basis of contributing your art, skill and knowledge. A doctor can go for the pleasure of curing one or two patients free of charge every month. A lawyer can prepare himself to handle a case without charging any fees for someone who is really deprived of his rights. (at least once or twice in lifetime) There are spiritual preachers, who selflessly make a die heart effort for the spiritual upliftment of the society. They give up so much just to implant morals and values in the society. Let's get inspired. Let's make a start. Let's Evaluate and Enjoy Sacrifice. * A young lady earning a handsome package is always applauded but a housewife managing demanding situations in the limited income of his hardworking husband hardly gets a pat. Her priceless sacrifice goes praise less. A dashing guy separates himself from his family business and runs forward for his personal progress & achieves a formidable position and applause in the society. But a promising lad, just to avoid his less efficient brother getting A singer can enjoy the privilege of performing at a charity show when needed. A shopkeeper may let off his goods to someone on a remarkably discounted rate once in a month. As there are CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) compulsory for big companies under the law, there can be something like PSR (Personal Social 60 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ of economies will be able to explain this transaction. Sacrifice is most enjoyable and its fruits are the sweetest. Let's make a move. discouraged, works together with his brother, keeping his personal ambitions at bay, will hardly get a word of appreciation. There may be a measure of what is your intake of food at meals, but there are absolutely no provisions to measure the satisfaction felt by a mother, staving hungry for her kid when the food is scarce. Let's not discourage a person enjoying sacrifice Let's be inspired to sacrifice some personal dreams for a good cause On the face of it there is no material or tangible gain received when we sacrifice our money, skill, wishes, energy or time. However the satisfaction and the blessings of so many people cannot be measured in monetary terms. No kind Let's not regret over the sacrifice if it goes fruitless sometimes or goes unnoticed or unappreciated. Let's not forget the sacrifice made by someone for us, specially from our parent's side. Never complain about the things your parents could not give you... VIA 9GAG.COM it was probably all they had. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Go for it! India! hank you for your help during the Korean War! MA LASINDA 216 25 12 12 MIEZ A Matter of Glory & Gratitude for INDIA they narrated : "this was their way to show gratitude to the Indian people for supporting South Korea during the war." [It was on 25th sept 2014 when we came to know something that makes us proud to be Indian. Group of about 100 war veterans, all above 85 had come up with their families to cheer up Indian hockey side against Pakistan in the group stage match at Incheon(South Korea) - Asian games. Kil eun Young, an officer with the Korean ministry of patriots and veteran says: Waving the tri-colour flag "INDO.INDO...!" was the voice chanted proudly on every move that Indian side made. On asking the reason "Many people are not aware of India's contribution in the war). The medical unit headed by COL.RANGARAJ fearlessly rushed to the aid of our wounded soldiers and that too in the 62 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MIDST of a fierce cross-fire. The Indians really didn't care for their life's and it was admirable because they were fighting for the cause of a country which was not their's." "Had it not been for the devoted services and sacrifices of Indian people, Korea could not have become what it is today". These were the words spoken by the Korean official waving the Indian flag with pride. During the Korean war 1950, the Indian army had provided the medical unit to tend the sick and wounded soldiers. The 627 members, 60 parachute field ambulance unit served in Korea for full 3 and 2 years (November 1950-may 1954) This is the longest single tenure by any military unit under the UN flag. Humanity, serving and compassion is the rich treasure hunt which you can get from the Indian culture. Let's get inspired with sense of pride for the composite culture of the nation by which we are gifted with. Make in India!] SACRIFICE DREAMS PERFECTING YOUTH 63 Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ There are some two lakh children on Mumbai's streets who go hungry every day. There are some twenty thousand children world-wide who die every day due to hunger and malnutrition. There are lakhs of children who serve on roadside food joints, but are not able to afford a square meal. These facts ignite the spark of compassion amongst sensitive hearts. At times, the feeling of compassion goes off-track and people tend to criticize religious practices. offerings in temples and to deities etc.. Not so long ago a movie titled OH MY GOD' (OMG) was released with a bizarre theme. The gullible viewers, having no background of the centuries old conspiracy to wipe out our religious sentiments from the face of this earth, got swayed by such movies. Under the garb of a seeming comedy, it intended to deal a serious blow to the belief system of the people. The film was adapted from "Kanji Virrudh Kanji", a Gujarati play, which was organically inspired from 2001 Australian film - "The man who sued the God". As the movie deals with a concept, let's go for a critical study of the concept and not the criticism of the artists who played their assigned roles in the movie. Let's attempt to critically evaluate the ideas mooted in the movie. In a bus taking people for a pilgrimage, one Kanjilal pours a drink (liquor) from a kamandal he is carrying. He passes on the same to others in the bus. Most of the men enjoy it. Only the man hosting the pilgrimage gets upset. Kanji says- "Sharab ko prasad ki tarah bant (distribute) rahe hai". When a women takes it and asks: "What is it?" Kanjilal replies - "GANGAJAL hai" This can be considered as a stupid mockery of the faith and respect for sentiments connected with Ganga river. Fortunately, this is a country whose Prime Minister performed Ganga Aarti and is aggressively moving towards 'cleaning ganga' saying 'the sacred should Generator of Good Qualities Operator of Abundant Knowledge Destroyer of Bad Qualities 64 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ idol respected equally as GOD, be called a "khilouna".? be pure' and unfortunately the artist who delivered a rubbish dialogue (defaming gangajal) was granted a ticket in the Loksabha polls and won the election also. Let it be gangajal, kalash or even a deity (considered GOD by the crores who believe), it carries a symbolic value. Hence, it can't be laughed over or mocked. The character of Kanjibhai in the movie OMG contemptuously calls the sculptures of deities khilauna i.e. toy (which is a merchandise for him). However, these deities are not khilaunas. The sculpture or a statue is an object where the sentiments, dedication, attachment and respect of a person are reposed. (c) Imagine someone mentioning the national flag as 'KAPDE KA TUKDA' and you know the consequences. You can recollect the cricket Icon SACHIN TENDULKAR cutting a tri-colour cake (resembling the national flag) on his birthday during the Indian team's tour of West Indies. Finding himself in controversy, he apologized at the end of the matter. Otherwise, if there had been an insult proven, he would have been prosecuted under the "THE PREVENTION OF INSULT TO NATIONAL HONOUR ACT 1971'. Ask an old mother who has lost her son in the road accident, while he was just 17 year old - whether the photograph of her son is a mere piece of paper for her? Why has she preserved that photograph and kept it close to her chest for her life time, often crying while looking at the picture? Ask a widow why she often goes to the grave of her husband who died at prime of his age. There is only mud and decomposed body parts in the graveyard. Why she has to go there, light a candle and pray, pray for what? There is also the national flag code which prescribes the DO'S AND DONT'S of use and display of the tricolor. Similarly, the National Anthem also bears a great respect. If the National Flag or National Anthem, a symbol of national significance cannot be recognized as a 'kapde ka tukda' or 'lori', how can an Ask a teenage girl in love what her birthday gift, which she received from her friend means to her? It is just a piece of metal or plastic or even gold or silver? Or is it something more than its intrinsic PERFECTING YOUTH 65 Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 worth? If the gift is damaged or lost, why should she feel anything? Why can't it be considered a khilauna and forgotten. A husband giving a saree to his wife on her birthday even though the wife has 65 sarees in the cupboard and another saree is not needed by her, still the saree is gifted to her due to attachment or love for the wife. The wife also lovingly accepts it, because it is a gift from her husband on a special day. A maid who is working in the same house might also be in need of a saree, but the object of your sensitivity as well as the article of gift, both fit into some special feelings. If you want to teach the letter 'A' (of alphabet) to a child, you must show him an apple first. The picture/image of an apple will help him to establish the relationship between the two. In this way, you can teach him anything and everything. Now, if you ask him "A" for? he will definitely say apple, because he has its image in his mind or whenever he hears "apple", he will say "a for apple". This shows that an object carries so much meaning, which helps to relate and recollect things at a later point in time. Just remove the diagram from teaching of science subject or just remove maps from the geography lessons, and you shall realise the value, utility, fruitfulness of images. When you don't have access to an object in reality, you have to make do with an idol resembling the object. In the same way, in the absence of physical presence of god, his idol helps us to establish the relationship with him. We will not be able to visualize god in our imagination, if we have not seen him as an idol. A person who never has seen a cow in his life (neither real nor in picture) will not be able to identify the cow even if he sees it. That's why we need idols. So friends, it is the sentiments, the devotion, the love, the feeling attached to an object personified into the one towards whom all the feelings are directed. It is certainly not a khilauna! Promoting charity or humanity can never be denied, but addressing an idol as a stone and trying to describe the idol as a bejaan patthar repeatedly, hurling a stone towards the temple in outrage and instigating people against it, as if it was a perishable structure; all this makes no sense. The movie makes a mockery of certain aspects of pooja and aaradhna. It draws attention to the process of giving bath to a deity with a mixture of milk and water and gives a lofty lecture about PERFECTING YOUTH Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the milk being wasted while a poor child is deprived of milk. It also describes the shivlinga as a stone. According to the study that highlights the environmental cost of inefficient farming and aggressive marketing of super market food. Scientists have calculated that the 3,60,000 tons of waste milk that is poured down a single country's drains each year, creates greenhouse gases equivalent to 1,00.000 tons of carbon dioxide, which is about the same as that emitted in a year by 20.000 cars. BETH Just consider how much milk is Why couldn't this huge, avoidable snatched away from such poor children waste be targeted instead of by the giant industries making several deliberately defaming a religious products out of milk, practice? Does it make which are not only Waste milk creates a carbon any sense - except beyond the reach but even foot print equivalent to proving an antibeyond the dreams of thousands of car exhausts. religious mind set of millions of such children. the producers of Think of milk which is used by giant movie? industrial chocolate manufacturers, Waste of water is also rued. Think of cheese manufacturers, milk-powder the bottled water manufacturing manufacturers, butter manufacturers, industry! How much loot of water (a baby food manufacturers, etc. who use natural resource to which no one can millions of tons of milk and make claim proprietary rights and to which products for elite section of the society. each living being, not only humans but If they do not run such industries for even animals have a natural right) is huge profits, millions of children can perpetrated by the mineral water and get their daily cup of milk. For the sake soft drink manufacturers? and who are of luxuries of the rich, the poor are the consumers of this mineral water deprived of their necessities. and soft drinks ? Certainly not those Are the movie makers aware of huge poor children in whose name the milk wastage prevalent across the religious practices are decried. world? PERFECTING YOUTH 67 Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ If you consider doing abhishek or prakshal using milk is waste because it creates shortage of milk and many people are living without it; then why are we allowing cattle slaughter in the slaughter house ? Slaughter houses create the scarcity of both milk and water. litres of water per animal to clean them. The AL-KABEER slaughter house in Andhra Pradesh consumes around 48 crores of litres of drinking water per year and the Deonar slaughter house in Mumbai consumes around 80 lakh litres of drinking water PER DAY. While each individual living in the United States uses on average 100 to 175 gallons of water per day in home, the average African families uses only 5 gallons of water per day. For African women this often means carrying the typical jerrycan that can weigh over 40 pounds when full, for an average of 6 km each day. Offering milk during abhishek, offering flowers, fruits and sweets to the deities in temples shows our attachment with God. God doesn't require these things but we offer these out of our emotional attachment or love towards God. It satisfies us. Agreed, there are people who also need these things; but if someone offers this to the God (where they are emotionally attached) and then to those needy people out of sense of responsibility. The former action is devotion, the later is compassion. They should not be mixed up. Take another example. We hoist the national flag on independence day. Do we ever consider that it is wastage of cloth or paper used for making flags. We do not use the same flags for the next year and make new flags each year. We allow the old flags to remain idle, but we don't and we can't use the flags for any other purpose. Can anyone dare to say laakho zande fahrane se behtar hai ki usi kapade se kisi nange ka sharir dhaka jaaye ? Can anyone tolerate this type of passion for compassion? The patriotic spirit that arises while hoisting and saluting the flag itself is greater than the greatest outcome of the deed of compassion. Same is the In slaughter houses, it takes nearly 500 68 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ thing in offering to God. Materialistic measures fall too short to measure nonmaterialistic emotions. Targeting the offering of a handful fruits or sweets in a mandir (insulted as dukaan) and turning a blind eye on worldwide food wastage, enough to feed more than 5 crores of under privileged indicates the malafide intention. Are the movie makers not aware of huge food wastage in our country itself mounting up to a yearly loss worth Rs.57,000 crores? Mumbai alone bears loss of 9.2 lakh kg of vegetables and fruits on daily basis. the enormous wastage of food at pompous lunch and dinners in political and social circles? A study by a team of 10 professors from the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, has concluded that annually, Bangalore alone wastes 943 tons of quality food during weddings, which is enough to feed 2.6 crore people a normal Indian meal. They surveyed 75 of Bangalore's 531 marriage halls over a period of six months. About 84.960 marriages are held at 531 kalyana mandapa (marriage halls) in Bangalore every year. About 943 tons of high calorie quality food is wasted in these halls annually. At an average cost of Rs. 40 per wasted meal, the total food wastage in the city is estimated at Rs.339 crore. What a huge waste! Overl Overlooking such facts and targeting devotion is proving oneself penny wise £ foolish. The practice of offering prasad to the deity is also ridiculed. The prasad offered in a temple and to the deity ultimately reaches some hungry or the other. Who runs lungars or bhandaras? Obviously those who believe in religion. Where do you find queues of beggars seeking food? Outside temples or religious places & not outside theatres or malls ! However, is there any thought being given to There are tomato festivals in Europe where tons of tomatoes are wasted. There are chocolate festivals where a PERFECTING YOUTH 69 Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the people who in real life cannot do without their personal vanity vans, advise a maulvi 'kisi dargah par phoolon ki chaddar chadane ke bajaye kisi nange fakir ke badan pe kapdo ki chadar chadhaye!. Why can't they become exemplary instead? vast quantity of chocolate (which is made out of tons of milk) goes waste. the people who in real life are always caught at clubs, pubs, Now-a-days we see new trend of ice parties and living the costliest bucket, where a huge amount of water lifestyle, wasting resources, energy, is wasted. electricity as a two legged industry If we really plan to give a proper message and at the same time sophistically of humanity & avoiding waste in favor teasing the religious practices of of the victims of Aarti-Diya or candle malnutrition then we can There is a vast difference lighting, saying - easily raise a question in really being human and "Jesus ke samne against these fun themes. promoting a "being mombatti jalane se Just targeting religious human" brand. acha hai kisi garib ke practice where there is jhopde mein jalaye actually no such waste is targeting toh uske ghar mein kabhi andhera religion and not waste. nahi rahega'. Finally. The people in real life hunt black Are on screen personalities really the bucks, drive rashly crushing the appropriate persons to mentor the sleeping kids on the footpath and human minds? then show off for human causes, looks weird. How do you feel when..... The people who in real life are * the people who in real life endorse suspected to have strong branded culture, lavish & wasteful connections with unwanted lifestyle, promote the page 3 culture elements and on other hand inspire full-on and still go on to advocate people: tum sab pratigna lo ki koi simplicity and charity? bhi aadmi kisi bhi dharamsthal ki 70 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ daan peti mein ek bhi paisa nahi impress the viewers and play out the daalega. idea or vision of the story writer or The people who in real life visit director, irrespective of their personal beliefs and disbeliefs. But when it siddhivinayak, tirupati, celebrate Ganesh festival with great pomp targets something wrong, specially and show (may be a public stunt), hurting religious sentiments, insulting observe the karva chauth vrat and godliness, sainthood, traditional values, Indian ethnic clothes, it should still on screen say something unlikely to oneself : aaj ke baad in not be considered forgivable. ke ashram mein, ya in ke dar Anyway, Thanks to the patience and darwaze pe koi bhi kadam nahi tolerance of people targeted in this rakhega. movie, whose belief in virtues like The people who in real life are always forgiving, prevents flare ups which are caught in pictures, witnessed in case It is intriguing that ignoring the devil of some other postures, photos and are known for sized unpalatable wastages and other religions. their lure to keep evils elsewhere in the society and our If the makers of their wax statues modern life style, the very movie claim in museums really fundamental of our spiritualism is freedom of look questionable targeted. expression as their when on screen right, let this they put idol worship author's right also at disposal. prevail as freedom of expression in Actually looking at their act and advice countering the ideas. we the viewers are entitled to say :- yeh IN CONCLUSION: toh aisi baat hogayi ki jo guthka bechta Just a stray thought - the artists who hai wohi cancer ki hospital kholta hai. played various roles in the movie also Lastly, the same actor turned politician need to ponder. Did they accept these should now think twice before roles believing in the concepts accepting such a role at least until he themselves or only as a professional feels the need for votes & not mere calling in the business of making viewers. movies. If the conscience of the artists Obviously, the actors are free to act and and their belief system is different from PERFECTING YOUTH 71 Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ what is sought to be portrayed, let them think for a moment whether they should have been instrumental in propagating this concept. We have lawyers who are prepared to defend the likes of AJMAL KASAB, we have lawyers who are prepared to defend rapists, murderers, and the likes who are caught red-handed doing such things. Thanks to the imported system of justice where a lawyer claims that his commitment lies to the brief (and not to morals, ethics and ethos!), we have a Supreme Court judge calling the relationship between Radha and Krishna a 'live-in-relationship'. We have eminent so called jurist, certifying that MARYADA PURSHOTTAM RAM was a bad husband and his young brother LAXMAN was even worse. out to the most unfortunate. With regular intervals the shameful deeds of high and mighty in the social and economic field also tumble out. Anyway it has become a fashion to thrash blindly at religion, religious practices, customs & traditions. It may be a duty or passion for someone to critically publicize the ill practices prevailing in the society but in doing so one has to take safety measures so as to not cause damage to the faith level of the society, which is essential for the spiritual progress. Faith is something that helps a man stay stable in the worst situation. The whole tribe of godmen are targeted and painted in a shameful colour. True, there may be black sheep in all the herds. Is politics not a business in this country? And that too the most flourishing one ! Is education not a business? Is healthcare not a business? For a few black sheep, there are thousands who have really renounced all the worldly pleasures and possessions/wealth which cannot be imagined. There are scores of saints practicing hard penance, domg meaningful social service and reaching In 2012 when rain was delayed in most of the parts of the country & Karnataka staring at its worst drought in 42 years, the state government had gone for divine help. A circular was sent to 37000 temples under the 'Muzrai'(religious endowment) department for special poojas & the government had spent an amount of nearly 20 crores under this project. You can't colour this as a waste of money or can't advice the government to divert the funds for the poor all the time. It's like going for a divine remedy when seen forces don't work. Killing faith is like making a man internally disabled. 72 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Friends, these are dangerous signals. Beware of these. Let them not distract you from your faith. Let them not fall prey to the international conspiracy of wiping out religion &still promote spirituality in a crooked manner. (though not elaborated, as this is not the time and place for such elaboration.) concept as a non-sense. However, the fence sitters, the younger generation, which is more exposed to the outside world as it appears in movies, dramas and exposure to brain washing literature, facebook, internet etc. Who are likely to be fascinated by such weird ideas and loose their anchor, which needs to be firmly rooted. This cannot be without a motive and that motive is to seriously dent our religious belief system. Of course, the firm believers are not going to be affected. They will dismiss this whole Beware of the sinister landmine planted under your existence to explode your belief system, rock the boat of your life and make it loose its anchor! "Faith is taking the first step,even when you don't see the whole staircase." PERFECTING YOUTH 73 Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Perfecting Youth *! 74 A Mandpeshwar Road A) Sleeping schedule of the present generation depends on the percentage of battery remaining in their cell phone. Physicians and Scientist for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST) have surveyed and had suggested a heavy check on over usage of Cell Phones. Electro-magnetic radiations may lead to brain-tumor, disturbed brain functioning, damage to genes, memory loss (partly and slowly), headache, increased risk in neurological system such as Vertigo, migraine, Alzheimer, cancer, pain behind the ears and a drastic change in child's behavior. B) Long chats and sending lots of messages gives you more acquaintances and few friends. It's like replacing quality with quantity. C) Superficial communications has driven out the scale of genuine conversation. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Session & Sensation "Unhealthy diets, environment toxins, over facilitated lifestyle, stress, radiation heriditary disposition are among the prime causes leading to health disasters". Happiness always starts from a good health and at times from bad memory. Gitanjali Nagar OO vell MOLL 53 Ghatkopar Read before replacing your mobile! If more than 100 million mobile phones are replaced If they are not recycled, resources such as glass and metal go to waste and toxins such as arsenic lead seep into the ground. PERFECTING YOUTH 75 Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 Pearl Divers Gathering Gowalia Tank Right to speech is a fundamental right given to every citizen of India. But it does not permit Provoking speech. If the fact "One pic is more powerful than a thousand words" is worth trusting then why can't we understand the impact a wild posture or gesture may give? Borivali Survey reports reveals the fact: Due to wild exposure, fast music & lyrical contents there is a noticeable increase in Juvenile crime, increase in aggressive behavior in teens and increase in casual drug usage among teens. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ in Perfecting Youth Sessions Before independence India observed a REAL change: Change in Ruling pattern Change in Educational pattern Change in gricultural pattern Change in Living pattern Now it's high time to deal with the REAL change. Dadar WATER' crisis is the Peak of the problems the world is facing. Ghatkopar water scarcity due to heavy over usage and wastage Air pollution due to heavy industrialization Trees being cut for modern development Farth losing fertility due to chemicals Reserves being spent lavishly by people as if there is no tomorrow Yes, it's correctly said, 'WATER' crisis is peak of the problems the world is facing today. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ QUERY ANALYZER Q) Should we always go according to our parents wish and advice? A) Parents, as a rare personality are full of emotions and experience. No one can compete with their best wishing ability for us. That's for sure. They are never a hurdle in your life. Actually, they are the purpose of it. At times there may be difference of opinion where we think of being right & sometimes, they are wrong. Is it always right to be right? The upcoming generation is filled with intellect and talent but experience is a rare quality which can never be gained overnight. Experience is like a beard, you have to wait for years to get it. So, if not always, almost it is right to say: Follow your parents, not because they are always right, but they have the highest experience of being wrong also. Hence, its advisable for us to be benefited, where they were not. No one has enough time to commit every mistake and learn from it. So it may be better if we learn a lot from some other's mistakes too. Sometimes, due to unawareness of the current scenario, parents may not come to a proper conclusion. At such times there is always a space for soft discussion. A soft denial is welcomed instead of a harsh acceptance. Q) What if it is not possible to give enough time to your family due to business constraints ? Should growth be dumped then ? A) A corporate company, where your decade old occupation has paid you a lot and even the company has got a leap due to your extraordinary efforts. Suppose something happens to you, making you unavailable for the company for all times, then what shall the company do? Nothing, but finding replacement at the earliest. Now, if the same scenario 78 PERFECTING YOUTH Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ arises at home and you are made unavailable for all times, what shall the family members do? Keep on weeping, remembering and repenting over the sad incident, with the feeling of emptiness that can never be filled back. Think wisely: Where should the focus be. You may go for growth and progress but try to practice 'WorkLife Balance! It's quite advisable that health and family should never get overshadowed in the lure for progress. To consider, you must be aware of the reason given behind the resignation by PIMCO CEO, Mohamed-El-Erian just due to a letter from his daughter (10yrs) pointing out to some 22 odd things which went wrong in her papa's way, effecting her life. Q) Improving yourself and remaining in the same group is quite difficult. There are certain things which we unwillingly have to pursue due to peer pressure. How to tackle the situation? A) There are many types of pressure, peer pressure is one of them. To control and manage pressure you need a mindset. Try to know, accept and overcome the difficulties of being good. If you are focused on a value-added & moral studded life, you should dare to lose something which is not that worth. Dare to be different. There is difference in feeling loneliness and feeling uniqueness. PERFECTING YOUTH Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PERFECTING YOUTH Transforming Ideas Inspiring Youth Direction Upliftment With Special Thanks to PYS Together Each Achieves More oce The Outcome of Collectivity Connectivity & Creativit hah, Bhavin Shah eTeam na Shah, Punit Creative Editing Team Dharmin Kothari livek Shah othari, Punit Shah Dr. Richa Dharod mi Shah, Viveks ation Team 'S !uniya '!^ylo a 'egy@ny Jebes buipuo-05 14ues nusied oes 'veys lentyd PERFECTING YOUTH 80 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Simplicity * Learn what 'Enough' is Capacity Necessity Minimize your expenses Simplicity creates branded personality Saving is securing future Purity Aspire to Acquire the Desire that you Admire, but in the process if you Perspire, don't Retire but Re-fire * Never get driven away * No ill habits No indecent speech & behaviour * Control your gadgets, don't be 'Gadget Controlled * Career pays, character stays to Morality Acquire the Desire that you Admire. * Have good friends and ideology Accept fruitful restrictions No fake stories/ accounts/ profiles. * Stop, where you fear 'leakouts * Morals are more precious than money. Humanity Spirituality * God + you = majority Have a good mentor Go for virtuous upliftment * Respect your mother tongue & mother land Cultivate respect for cultural & religious tenets * Be eco friendly * Be sympathetic * Be soft spoken Be non irritating * Be health conscious Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light. People say, Youth is USELESS We say, Youth is USED LESS PERFECTING YOUTH PYS Perfecting Youth Session Transforming Ideas, Inspiring Youth...