Doctrine of Nayas
to be the cause of suffering. Here violence itself is identified with suffering by way of the treatment of the effect as identical with the cause.
In the usages like the above, the subject-predicate relation is determined on the basis of causality which justifies the act of predicating a cause of an effect, or an effect of a cause.
3. The Treatment of the Content as the Container
In the proposition the summit of the cosmos is the place of emancipation (moksa)', the cosmic summit is not intended to be called emancipation which really belongs to the soul and not to any particular place in the cosmos.
4. The Treatment of the Container as the Content
By the proposition 'the dais is shouting', what is meant is that the persons seated on the dais are shouting. Here the container, viz. the dais has been used to denote the content viz. the persons seated on it.
Although the pantoscopic viewpoint is right so far as its own place of application is concerned, it becomes a pseudo-naigama viewpoint as soon as it engages itself in considering the difference between an attribute and its substratum, or between a part and the whole as absolute and eternal. The Vaišesika system, according to this estimation of reality, is an instance of pseudo-naigama viewpoint, because it considers an attribute as absolutely different from its substratum.
The Momentary Viewpoint (rjusutra naya)
Identity and difference may be experienced with reference to either many things or a single entity. The experience of identity owes its origin to the substantial continuity whereas the experience of difference to the temporal modes. The experience focussed on the immediate present as distinct from the past and the future is the momentary standpoint, which has manifold ramifications, some of which are as follows: 1. Process and Product (kriyamāņa-krta)
Suppose a piece of cloth is being made, which is a long process. But in this process the part already made is definitely a product. If this part is not considered as a product, then what is produced at the last moment of the process won't also be a product. Even at the first instant of the process the cloth cannot be said to be absolutely
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