6. Chandănusāsana. 7. Pramanamimāmsā-his important work on logic. 18. Jinabhadragaņi Kșamāśramana (6th - 7th century A.D.)
He was a versatile scholar. His chief work is the Visesavas yaka bhäsya. It contains a deep discussion on the Agamic subjects and the contentions of others that follow from the contexts. It also contains independent thinking about the various limbs of the science of logic. Hemacandra has accepted him as a pioneer among the commentators.
Jinadattasūrī (1 3th century)
He was a disciple of Jivadevasūri of the Vayada stem (gaccha). He wrote the Vivekavilása.* There is a topic entitled Saddarśanavicāra in its eighth chapter.
20. Jinapatisūri (13 th century)
He is the writer of the Prabodhavadasthala.
21. Jines varasuri (12th-13th century A.D.)
A rich businessman lived in the city of Dhārā. His name was Laksmīpati. There lived a Brāhmaṇa from Madhya Pradesh near him. He had two sons Sridhara and Śrīpati. Both of them were initiated by ācārya Vardhamanasūri. They were re-named as Jineśvara and Buddhisāgara. Later on Jineśvarasūrī established the Kharatara stem (gaccha).
While living at Jābālapura he wrote many works out of which the main works are Pañcalingīprakarana, Haribhadrāstakatīkā and Pramālakṣma satīka.
Jñānacandra (1 4th-15th century A.D.)
He was a disciple of Acārya Guņacandra of the Sādhupūrņimā (Sārdhapūrnimā) stem (gaccha). He was a contemporary of Rājasekhara. He wrote explanatory note (tippanaka) on the Ratnākarāvatärikā.
It has been published in 1976 v.s. by the Sarasvati Granthamālā Kāryālaya, Āgrä.
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