166 New Dimensions in Jaina Logic
14. Dharmabhūsana (14th-15th century A.D.)
He was a 11 ācārya of the Nandi samgha. He wrote Nyāyadipikā and Prami navistāra on logic.
15. Gunaratnasüri (1400 A.D.-1475 A.D.)
He was a disciple of Ācārya Devasundarasūri, an influential ācārya of his age. Gujarāt and Rajasthan constituted his tour area. He was an expert of the art of debating. He wrote Kriyāratnasamuccaya, Karmagrantha, Avacūrī etc. He also wrote a commentary named Tarkarahasyadipikä on the Saddarśanasamuccaya by Acārya Haribhadra.
16. Haribhadra (7th-8th Century A.D.)
He was born in a Brāhmana family of Citrakūta (Chittaur). He took the Jaina ordination after being enlightened by a Jaina nun, Yākini. He was the disciple of Acārya Jinabhatta of the Vidyadhara stem (gaccha). The name of his ordination-teacher was Jinadatta. He was the first commentator in Sanskrit and created varied literature.
He did yeoman's service for the enhancement of Jaina philosophy. Some of his works on logic are as under: 1. Anekāntajayapatākā 2. Yogadrstisamuccaya 3. Šāstravārtāsamuccaya 4. Saddarsanasamuccaya.
Nearly 100 works produced by him have come to light so far. He is said to be the author of 1444 chapters (prakīrņakas).*
17. Hemacandra (1088-1172 A.D.)
He was born in a Vaisya family of the town of Dhandhūkā in Gujarāt. He was ordained in the order of Acārya Devacandra in his boyhood and attained the status of an ācārya in the 22nd year of his life. He was called the ominiscient of the Kali age. His chief works are as under: 1. Siddhahemaśabdānusāsana. 2. Anekārthacintämanikośa.
Desinämamālā. 5. Kāvyānuśāsana.
For his traditional history see Haribhadravrttānta in the Prabhāvaka-caritra.
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