All in Good Faith
A Sikh Prayer
In the beginning God brought forth His Light. From His Creative Power came all beings.
From the One Light the entire universe came forth. So who is good and who is bad?
Stray not in doubt, O Siblings of Destiny !
The Creator is in the Creation,
The Creation is in the Creator, He is ever-present, pervading everywhere.
The clay is the same, while it is fashioned
into many forms by the Master Potter.
There is no fault with the vessel of clay,
as there is no fault with the Potter.
Within all is the One True Lord. It is by His Will that all exist.
One who realizes God's Will, comes to know God. He is the true servant of the Lord.
The invisible Lord cannot be seen. The Guru has blessed me with this sweet realization.
Says Kabir: My doubt is dispelled.
I see the Perfect Pure Lord everywhere.
(Aval Allah)
A Buddhist Litany of Peace
As we are together, praying for Peace, let us be truly with each other.
Let us be at peace within ourselves, our bodies and our minds, our emotions and our spirit.
Let us return to ourselves and become wholly ourselves.
Let us be aware of the source of being common to us all and to all living things.
Evoking the presence of the Great Compassion, let us open our hearts to receive compassion - for ourselves and for all living beings.