Thursday 22nd October
The Dudley Day Centre, Stafford Street
Prayers will be offered by members of the Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu and Christian communities in Dudley. Silence will be kept after each offering of prayer.
Offerings placed in the Glass Jar will be given to the work of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
The emblem of the red cross was instituted by the Geneva Convention of 1864 to ensure the protection of those wounded in war and those who care for them. A red crescent emblem made its appearance a few years later. The cross had been adopted as a tribute to Switzerland, and had not been intended to have any religious significance. In 1876, however, during the Russo-Turkish war, the Ottoman Society for Relief to the Wounded replaced it by a red crescent. This emblem has since been adopted by a number of countries in the Islamic world. It is recognized as having equal status with the red cross, and as such is mentioned in the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols.
'By its humanitarian work and the dissemination of its ideals, the Movement promotes a lasting peace, which is not simply the absence of war, but is a dynamic process of co-operation among all States and people, co-operation founded on respect for freedom, independence, national sovereignty, equality, human rights, as well as on a fair and equitable distribution of resources to meet the needs of peoples.
(from guidelines adopted in 1984)
A Muslim Prayer
ALLAH is He, than whom There is no other God; Who knows (all things) Both secret and open He Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Glory to ALLAH! (High is He) Above the partners They attribute to Him.
ALLAH is He, than whom There is no other God; The Sovereign, The Holy One, The Source of PEACE
(and Perfection), The Guardian of Faith, The Exalted in Might The Irresistible, The Supreme
He is ALLAH, The Creator The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms (or colours) To Him belong The Most Beautiful Names; Whatever is in The heavens and on earth, Doth declare His Praises and Glory; And He is the Exalted In Might, The Wise
(Sura Hashar from the Holy Qur'an: p.1528 and 1529 in the version by
Abdullah Yusuf Ali)