"Dil badast aur keh hajj-e-akbar ast Az hazaran ka'abe yak dil behtar ast Ka'abeh bandegah e khalil azar ast Dil guzargah-e- zalil akbar ast". i.e. Give solace to a heart as it is the greatest pilgrimage. A heart is better than thousands of Ka'aba
Ka'ba is the edifice of Abraham,
Heart is the abode of almighty God. 23
Sufis dislike any discrimination between one man to another. They advised all to become an egalitarian human being and stated:
Yak chirag buthkhaneh wa ka'be khaneh rawshan karde ast...”
i.e. One earthen lamp may enlightened both the temple and mosquel with out any discrimination.Oh people! why you can not do this?)
Therefore, the notable Sufi of India Khwajah Muin al din Chishti Ajmeri says
"Awwal sakkhawati chun sekhawat-e- darya Doam shafqati chun sefqat-e- aftab Tewazu-e- chun tewaze-e- zameen"
i.e.at first you should discharge- a generosity , like that of the ocean
Secondly mildness like that of the sun and thirdly, modesty like that of the earth.24
In India the tenet of universal brotherhood was based on "khidmat-ekhalq"( service to humanity). And it is elucidated by the couplet of the venerable Sa'adi;
"tariqat bajuz khidmat-e- khalq nist batasbih wa sujadeh wa dilaq nist”
i.e. the path of Sufi is nothing but the service of humanity.
It is neither in rosary, nor on the prayer carpet, nor on the garment of the Sufi dervish 25
The present world is in a crucial stage, every moment we are in the nerve tension and severe dread for total destruction. Therefore, the primary quest for us is not for bread but for existence. Hence, the scholars of all circles are thinking 'How this present world is to be saved?” Utilization of deadly weapons invented by science never is considered as the clue of peace and happiness in the society. In the crisis of the society a scientist may ap