which is:
"Bany adama fazayi yak digarand Keh dar afrinish zik zowharand Chun azuwi bedard award rozekar Digar 'azuha ra na mande karar Tu kij mehnat digaran bigmy Nashayad keh namat nehanad admi"
i.e. All human beings are like the limbs of the single body because they are born of the same essence.
When a limb of the body is afflicted to pain in the daily life, the other limbs/ organs of the body feel equally hurt.
You who do not realize woe of your fellow beings Do not deserve to be called a human being.20
Sufis believe that no religion is sublime than the religion of love. Therefore, Rumi says
"millate ashiq az hameh millate zuda ast fashiqan ra mazhabe wa millate khuda ast"
i.e. The religion of love is different from all religions for the lovers, only God is religion. 21
Their concept of love naturally led them towards inter religious harmony and helped them enormously to disparage fanaticism. In this context the utterance of Umar Khaayyam is highly significant , as he stated:
"butkhaneh wa ka'abe khane bandegist Naqus ,zidane taraneh bandegist mehrab kalvisa wa tasbih salib haqqa keh hameh nishane bandegist." i.e. temple and mosque both are the places of Worship. Blowing the conch-shell is the melody of worship. Arch, church, rosary and cross
By God, all are the sign of worship". 22
Apart form this notion Sufis also propagate moral teachings because they staunch supporters of Equality of the mankind, integrity and social solidarity. They propounded not only the unity of religion but at the same time they were highly conscious for human unity, for this they preached that to give pain to a heart is worse than to demolish thousands of mosques: