<7>. Quantum Field Theory like model of consciousness in Jainism.
Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna
(Former Scientist, Indian Space Research Organization)
Bhagwan Mahavir International Center for Scientific Research and Social Innovative Studies, JVBI, Ladnu, Nagaur (Rajasthan), India
Email: sspokharna 15@yahoo.com,
Jainism [[1] and Appendix 1], is one of the major three religious systems of India. It is well known for its rational and a scientific methodology. Here their theory of karmas is presented which describe interrelation between soul and matter. They talk about a pure soul which has infinite intuition, infinite knowledge, infinite bliss and infinite power. However, a worldly soul is always infected with matter known as karmas which obstructs these four properties. [2). Five different types of knowledge are described which include telepathy and clairvoyance also. The material karmas are of eight major types and 158 minor types. The model is similar to quantum field theory used to study superfluid and superconductivity where one has a highly ordered ground state at low temperature and elementary excitations at higher temperature. They also define fourteen stages of spiritual evolution through which one can pass with decreasing amount of these karmas and can acquire a pure soul [3]. Three examples are given which show that during higher stages of consciousness, one can have remarkable memory and they have even tried to estimate sizes of smallest particles of matter which is comparable to the current sizes of atoms and nuclei, indicating new frontiers of knowledge [4].
1. INTRODUCTION In Jainism, the world is assumed to be consisting of six elements. They are: Dharmastikay (Medium of motion), Adharmastikaya (Medium of rest), Akashastikaya (Space), Pudgalastikaya (Matter), Jeevastikaya (Living beings having a soul) and Kala (Time). Jainism has definedthe soul as the basic constituents of all living beings. According to the conception of Jainism, a perfect soul has infinite knowledge, infinite intuition, infinite bliss and infinite power. Although perfect soul has other characteristics but the knowledge has been regarded as the chief characteristic of soul. All