also mean that there may be some effects (causes)whose causes (effects) may not be known to us or,no physically reasonable causes (effects)can be searched for given effects(causes).This is the situation which we have found in quantum mechanics where there are some uncontrollable fluctuations in the predictability of the state of a system in a given measurement process. These fluctuations are such that we cannot assign any known factors or causes responsible for. Hence this entity is in search of perfect determinism. (The author is very grateful to Prof. BD Josephson and Prof. ECG Sudarshan for appreciating these new ideas).
Appendix 4. Summary of an International conference on consciousness held at University of Arizona
An international conference on consciousness was recently organized by the Centre for Studies on Consciousness of the University of Arizona at Tucson from April 21-26, 2014 (20th Anniversary). The first one in this series was held exactly twenty years ago at the same place and eleven such conferences have been already organized all over the world. The last one was held in Agra (India). Interest among academicians in this field is reflected by the following observations. Around 1000 scientists from 60 countries participated in this conference. Experts were there from various fields like computer science, neuroscience, neurophysiology, anesthesiology, cognitive sciences, cybernetics, schools of medicines, bioengineering, artificial intelligence, physics, quantum biology, quantum computers, relativity theory, naturopathy, philosophy, psychology, religion, arts and many others. Actually no field was left untouched which has any bearing with the problem of soul and consciousness. There were eighteen pre-conference workshops. There were twelve plenary sessions, twenty four concurrent sessions and two poster sessions each having around one hundred and fifty posters each. There were eighteen pre conference workshops also (see below). In all there were 500+ papers presented in this conference. There was also an East-West Forum, to discuss the concept of soul and consciousness in Eastern and Western philosophies.
Indian scientists made tremendous contribution. Deepak Chopra was invited to speak on subjectivity and Objectivity. Anirban Bandyopadhyay spoke on "Quantum Approaches: Twenty years on". DEI East-West Forum was lead from Eastern side by Sriram, S Roy, V Sahni, A K Mukhopadhyay, B D Dhir and PS Satsangi. Around eighty Indian scientists and professionals directly and indirectly participated in this conference, covering almost all topics, but more focus was