Quantum entanglement is very important property of a quantum mechanical system. As per Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) paradox, if there are two coupled electrons moving away from each other and are with net spin zero then if spin of one electron is measured and is found to be +1/2 in certain direction then the other electron will automatically take a -1/2 spin value, if measured at some other time. It is now confirmed that this does occur upto a distance of 149 kilo meters. Means the other electron knows (even at a great distance from the first electron) that measurement has taken place on the first electron. To explain such experiments, it is now suggested that quantum information can propagate backward in time. Such properties are also found in some experiments in psychology and they indicate that processes can take place in brain which imply backward propagation of information in time.
7.1. Extrasensory perception: Three examples from my personal life,
which shows existence of ESP and beyond measurability through the modern scientific approaches:
These ideas and experiments are again at very preliminary stage, but strongly indicate that processes like telepathy and clairvoyance may exist in living systems. But this is happening at such levels that they need not follow the spatial-temporal invariant conditions of classical physics, due to irreversible characteristic of living systems due to memory.
The first concerns with death of my respected father Shriman Balwant Singhji Sahab Pokharna, who expired on November 30, 2013 in Ahmedabad. However, he was there in Udaipur on November 22 and I rang him on November 22 on phone that I would be coming to Udaipur to take him to Ahmedabad on November 24, 2013. However, he replied that now the time has come for him to go. I became very unhappy and requested him for its meaning. He again emphasized that he will now go from this world. But when I requested him that he should come to Ahmedabad. Then he replied in affirmative and I brought him to Ahmedabad on November 24, 2013 but he expired on November 30 at 05:45 pm. The second example concerns with death of my cousin brother Mukesh Pokharna, who expired in an accident on October 16, 2014 near Udaipur in the early morning around 03:00 am. However, around 06:00 am on the same day, Priyansh Pokharna, aged 15 years, (son of my another cousin brother Prem Pokharna), who got up early that day due to his examination, told his mother that a telephone would come about someone's death. And almost after fifteen minutes, another cousin of mine Mahendra Pokharna rang Prem Pokharna about the death of Mukesh Pokharna.