transition from quantum reality to classical reality and is called consciousness.
Microtubule quantum superpositions are proposed to extend and entangle from neuron to neuron (through gap junctions), enabling selective brain-wide quantum coherence among microtubules. Actually millions of tubulins from thousands of neurons can collectively oscillate through neurotransmitters and gap junctions and can generate group of several different quantum states, known as a quantum superposition state (not directly observable). Such states are however unstable and reduces to one of the state (which is observable) in certain time which is decided by the gravitational self-energy of say two quantum states of the superposition. Here Orchestrated means well organized group of these tubulins. Decoherence is suggested to be avoided through coherent pumping, actin gelation, ordered water and topological resonances. For details see Hameroff (2007). The author feels that this decoherence might be linked with set of controls at micro level through five mahavratas strictly obeyed by Jain Aacharya staying in advanced stages of consciousness in higher Gunasthanas.
As per Hameroff and Chopra (2006), "Recent evidence suggests that Planck scale information may repeat at increasing scales in space-time geometry, reaching to the scale of biological systems, that is at neural level. The British-German GEO 600 gravity wave detector near Hanover, Germany has consistently recorded fractallike noise which apparently emanates from Planck scale fluctuations, repeating every few orders of magnitude in size and frequency from Planck length and time(10cm; 103 s) to bio-molecular size and time (10 cm; 102 s, Hogan 2008; Chown 2009). The author feels that these various levels may be better described through the General Systems Theory (To be presented in an International conference on quantum consciousness). This is fine scale of the Universe. At some point (or actually at some complex edge, or surface) in this hierarchy of scale, the microscopic quantum world makes transitions to the classical world. If this transition is due to Penrose OR, consciousness occurs as a process on this edge between quantum and classical worlds". (Hameroff and Chopra, 2006). This notion that consciousness is in some way intrinsic to the universe is comparable to purely subjective views on consciousness mentioned in Jainism and Hinduism. This is particularly true for Jain's concept of a pure soul, which might have spread over the whole universe and occupy each pradesha of the lokakasha.