Parabrahma. It is indeed an extraordinary suggestion semantically made by the human brain, even though the world created using those words cannot exist. It is true that the material world, the brain experiences is constituted by a spectrum of things that continuously vary in many respects. Space and time do not change on their own, it is a semantic fallacy, as they are not physical entities or properties. As matter continues in the same state or changes, both occur in space and time, another semantic way of expressing the same is to say that changes take place across space and time. However this would not mean that changes are taking place across domains of space and time. If there are no changes, there is no space and time either. When the live body of a man perishes, his space and time are over. His memories may continue in other minds, as long as they live. Immediate and distal effects of his actions may be experienced by those who survive him. There is also transfer of important signals with immediate and distal effects, transferred from one body to that of an offspring, which serves as transfer of biological memory.
The brain can create semantic relationships of sensory-motor experiences that occur within and outside as well as those which it imagines. We have learnt to experimentally and objectively verify these relationships, which prove the logics of the proposed relationship, and multiples of their close and distant psychobiological effects. The world and its reality components that we believed to have existed, before we developed the ability for objective verification, were only experientially verified and semantically explained. The question is about the veracity of the logics used for experiential verifications and explanations, as many of them may be unreal producing a world of fantasy. This is important as experiences are always influenced by suggestive effects of external influences and we have good amount of verified results of how hypnotic suggestions can alter perception in an individual. Critical thinking ability of the frontal cortex can be completely inhibited through such suggestions. Our own study using hypnotic suggestion has shown that amplitude of P300 ERP components representing recognition could be suppressed or increased using appropriate suggestions when the stimulus requiring recognition was still present or its intensity was decreased respectively, even though the sensory registration processes remained unaffected. Objective and repeated experimental verification is the foundation of scientific postulations, which cannot be substituted by experiential effects. Experience has its own value, as life is constituted, made exciting and meaningful by experiences and experiencing is the only subjective method of reality verification. An experience is not mere a realty contact or engagement, but full of emotional effects and their semantic effects, goal directed navigations which may be full of adventures and excitement, and meaningful achievements of goals in life. The experience of