The physical universe is composed of multitudes of matter and energy, and the concepts of space and time emerge when we try to identify and measure them. What is compelling and unavoidable is the fact that as we measure any aspect of the universe, we have to carry that out across space and time. There is no better definition of space and time than the classical ones used in the theory of relativity. Space can be defined only as the difference between two points, and time is the difference between two events. We define and decide space and time as per our convenience according to personal and/or scientific preference. Space and time are not there if we are to consider only one point of space and only one event. Space and time are two essential characteristics with which we present and study matter. All variations in the matter are across space and time, and we have no means to conceptualize matter or energy outside space and time. Space and time are therefore the property or characteristics of reality, which is matter. These two domains represent the continuation of matter. All human ideas are drawn through human sensory-motor systems and hence whatever we conceptualize of the universe are relative to the space and time considered, which cannot be handled outside the sensory-motor limits. We can indeed propose and make attempts to semantically create information about the universe or the matter in imaginary space and time that we may experientially or experimentally handle. For example, we can arrange words and say that an animal is black as well as white, or that an elephant is riding a mouse. This can only be the expression with words or lines of drawing knowingly arranged, or thinking of a psychotic mind, which has lost contacts with reality. That is what we consider an ultraparadoxical state of the mind, as opposite values and qualities are taken for simultaneous consideration. This is indeed reflective of a very significant functional capability of the brainmind, that it can arrange words sequentially with or without creating a meaning, or create a meaning which may instantly be unreal, or later proven to be real. However, the words and their meaning are made when one thinks over them or attempts to convey the meanings or ideas to another brain-mind, whether the other brain succeeds in recreating the same effect or not. There is no way to create a physical reality outside the physical principles of reality. But we may believe that we have created an idea outside reality, as we speak of the black and white object, and we may remain unaware that the mind that created such idea has already broken down and it has no real contacts with the universe. The material world and all forms of energy can be measured and known only in relative manner, and we label ourselves alive, conscious, and wakeful, when we can make those reality contacts, make semantic interpretations, and respond to them, as and when needed. There is no way brain-mind can know or make contacts with reality without moving, i.e. changing space and time coordinates. It appears that this knowledge was partly conquered by the ancient minds when they proposed the concept of