August 2000: The Love that We Are
Many Blessings of Love, Light, Health and Prosperity to all of you.
During our daily meditation we reach that part of our being that knows who we are and what to do in order to live in a state of non violence (ahimsa) with ourselves and all other beings. Truth is gained by going deep into meditation. As we gain greater understanding of the Truth, we slowly begin to change naturally in order to live to our fullest maximum potential.
As we live and grow, we develop an understanding of ourselves by what we look like (big or little, short or tall, blonde, brunette, etc.) and by what we do. This helps us to define who we think we are. Many people keep on identifying with this outer image because they don't know any other way to live. When they do begin to seek a greater meaning to life and are blessed enough to seek the truth, they will eventually include daily meditation as a way to see and understand themselves and others beyond what they have identified with in the
Through meditation we slowly begin to see and feel the love that we are within ourselves and others. Also as we feel love for all, we move away from creating pain and violence towards ourselves and others. When we are truly love and loving, how can we hurt ourselves or other beings? So, slowly we become aware of being love, and since love is nonviolent we slowly begin to live in a natural state of nonviolence.
The "naturalness” state is an important one to understand because it is only through stopping and shedding those actions which created violence in the first place that we really experience the fullness of the love that we are. This is different than having someone say "Don't do this” or “Do this" and living this way whether you feel like it or not out of fear of going to hell. To do, because you are in touch with being Love, with being Light, with being Truth, you need no rules, no dogmas to tell you what to do and not to do. For the heart filled with love cannot do any violence to anyone. This kind of love is not experienced by someone who lives by rules and regulations.
So we begin naturally to watch our thoughts, negating thoughts of violence with "Na Hum" ("I am not that violent thought"). We begin naturally_ to watch our words and the power that words have in our environment. We begin to see how our environment can be affected by words of love or words of violence, and we move slowly away from violent thoughts and violent words that can hurt so many. WE then begin to become aware of our actions and we keep from doing acts of violence to ourselves and other beings because we feel the love that we are, and not because someone has told us not to think or talk or do things according to their rules and beliefs.
Until we reach the state of perfect love, we will sometimes knowingly or unknowingly hurt ourselves or someone or something by our spiritual unawareness. As we become more spiritually aware, we want to heal all whom we have hurt through our thoughts, words and
On the Wings of Light and Love - 51