not to walk on plants or grass because they have life. Taking such care is called "Jayana" "Upayoga" in Jainism. Therefore, we should be very careful and live a simple peaceful life. This leads one to be compassionate and tolerant of others.
to beat Ramesh for some reason but he cannot beat him physically. So, Anil thinks that he will become a friend of some bully and ask him for help. He also thinks about various other ways to beat Ramesh. During all these thoughts process, even though he does not undertake any physical action, his feelings were to hurt Ramesh so he gets sins (Pap) as if he was hurting Ramesh. Thus mental thoughts affect us the same way as physical or verbal expressions. Thinking is tremendously faster, easier, and has no inhibition factors like actual physical or verbal activity and hence it increases the potential for accumulation of Pap (or even Punya due to good Thoughts) much faster and easier. Some other forms of violence are piercing, crushing, binding, torturing, and overloading animals; starving or not feeding them at proper times, and exploiting laborours. Cosmetics ivory silk clothes, or leather articles involve the direct or indirect injury to animals and are reasons for accumulation of sins. One should be careful even while walking, running, or sitting that one does not step on small insects like ants and tiny bugs, We should be careful
Sources of Sins - Pap
It is formed of two words. 1) Mrusha I means lie, and 2) Vada means to tell or speak. So Mrushavada means to tell a lie. Common reasons to speak a lie are anger, greed, fear, and deception. Some other kinds of lies are spreading rumours, revealing secrets, writing false documents, or not returning to someone things that were given for safekeeping. Besides accumulating Pap, by lying we lose our friends. Therefore, we should not tell lies.
Oh Prabhu! Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I can not change, 325 p the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know