01 Pranatipat : Violence 02 Mrushavada : Untruth 03 Adattadana : Theft 04 Maithuna
: Unchaste 05 Parigraha
: Possessiveness 06 Krodha
: Anger 07 Maan
: Arrogance 08 Maaya
: Deceit 09 Lobha
: Greed 10 Raga
: Attachment 11 Dvesha
: Hatred 12 Kalah
: Quarreling 13 Abhyakhyana : Accusation 14. Paishunya : Gossip 15 Parparivada : Criticism 16 Rati-Arati : Liking and
disliking 17 Maya-Mrushavada : Malice 18 Mithyathva-Shalya : Wrong beliefs
his word is formed by two words,
1) Prana means vitalities of a living being, and 2) Atipata means to kill or to hurt. Therefore, Pranatipat means to cause suffering or kill any of the vitalities of living beings. This is caused by our physical activities as well as by our harsh words or even by our thoughts. Everybody agrees and understands that physical violence is wrong. Nonvegetarian people do not realize that by eating eggs, chicken, poultry products, fish, seafood, or flesh they cause violence. Hunting or fishing games also cause violence. Offensive, hateful, bitter or harsh words or sentences cause verbal violence.
Sources of Sins - Pap
Example of Mental or verbal violence
amesh is a tall and heavy guy and Anil is a skinny guy. Anil wanted