Test for being Truly Religious
The life of a person, who does not indulge in deception, could be pure like a crystal. He will be frank and trustworthy, not diplomatic. The people would have no reason to feel afraid of him. A cunning one cannot be trustworthy; he would try to know the minds of others without disclosing his own. People would therefore remain afraid of him and ask others to remain cautious while dealing with him.
Those who are straightforward and stay away from deception, can be religious. They are trustworthy and are adored as such. The life of a religious person is imbibed with wholesome mode. A flower plant grows and blossoms, if it gets the required manure and water. Religious mode similarly sprouts in the soil of straightforwardness and grows in wholesome environment; otherwise it may dry up.
There are really a few people, who are innately happy and delightful. Others consider wealth, power, position etc. as the source of happiness and try to gain the same. Some of them even resort to miracles for gaining reputation. Such achievements can be gained by worldly endeavors. Moreover, there are those, who might not have gained anything of the sort, but make a show of having gained them. They may show outward happiness while making such gestures, but internally they are not contented and stay desirous of gaining something special. For that purpose, they may not mind even resorting