voice of his beloved is heard from within: “Who is it?" Preening himself he answers “It's I.” The voice answers: “This is a very small place, here there's no room for “I and You.” The door does not open. Much mortified, he goes away and sits in a nearby wood, pondering over the strange answer. In the calm atmosphere he cools down. His vanity and ego are deflated and he laughs as he realises that the answer to the situation lies within himself. Back he goes to his beloved's house and again the question is asked: “Who is it?" Humbly he answers: “It's you.” The door swings open.
A drop of water is a minute thing, but in its essence it is no different from the mighty ocean. Indeed, could there be an ocean if there were no drops? It is a question of degree, not of kind. So, too, if there were no souls, how could there be a Supreme Soul: This is something which cannot be fully understood merely through a lecture or a discourse; it has to be experienced.
The mind that is entangled in the meshes of lust and indulgence cannot fully appreciate the joy of this salvation. How can such a bondsman feel or understand the wave upon wave of rapture that accompanies the liberation of the soul: To a man who