virtues that are in God and therefore in this moment of oneness of the soul, he says: “I am You."
Let us take some examples. Say, a marriage has been arranged between a young man and a young woman who have never seen each other. Whilst talking to her friends, the young bride-to-be says: "I am his.” When she meets her future husband, she says: “I am yours.” After their marriage when she goes to him as his wife she says: “Now I am you.”
Suppose a rich merchant has many branches in different towns. A new servant is employed by the manager of a distant branch. When asked, the servant will say: “I am my master's servant.” Then one day the merchant comes on a visit and the servant meets him and says: “I am your servant”. Years later the servant becomes an equal partner. There is no difference now between him and his erstwhile master and so now he says: “I am you."
True Vision is a glimpse of the soul. True Knowledge is an understanding of the soul.
True Character is complete oneness with the soul. I am reminded of a Persian poem. It is about a young lover. One night he goes to his beloved's house in all eagerness. In answer to his knock the 70