but makes no effort to continue their friendship. Though he has not committed any grievous sin, neither has he done anything fruitful. He has spent his life oscillating between instinct and thought. Then dawns the day he has to return, and that day finds him unprepared, remorseful and doubtful of his welcome.
The handcuffed gentleman represents the man who gives heed to naught but his animal instincts. He lives at the most degraded level of life. Nay, he does not live; he exists. He has never bothered to distinguish between truth and falsehood; between humaneness and cruelty. As he passes through life, he leaves a ghastly trail behind him.
Each of us must ask himself: “Where am I? Why have I come here? What is the ultimate purpose of my life?" That is precisely what Lord Mahavir meant when he said: “Ask thyself what thou art and why thou hast come here."
“What am I? Why have I come here:” How many of us present here today, can answer these questions! We are not inclined even to find out what we are, let alone finding out for what purpose we are here.