activities as a confidence trickster, defrauding many. At last he has been caught and is being taken back to be tried for his early crimes.”
In the journey of our life, too, we come across these three types of passengers. The first type is like the passenger who did not forget his old friends. This type is governed by moral force. Such a man, when he comes to this earth will never forget his origin, as that man who made his fortune in Bombay, but did not forget Delhi or his old friends. Such a man does not fear or tremble or have any regrets when the time comes for him to part from this world. For all through his sojourn here below, he has constantly kept alive the spark of divinity with which he had come down. To him it is a moment of rejoicing, a pleasant home-coming, and thus at the moment of parting his face shines with happiness; there is no nervous twitch as on the face of the man of the second type. This second passenger symbolises the man who suppresses his conscience and pursues a life of material pleasure. Admittedly, he has not reached the lowest level; every once in a while he tells himself that he must not, in his wild pursuit, forget his origin; but always he is overcome by temptation. He thinks of his old friends occasionally,