whose moral judgment has enabled him to detach himself from these two, is a divinity on earth. He who has this moral force, who does not bow to temptation, whose heart is free from greed, whose thoughts have no instability, surely such a man is divinity incarnate. A god sitting on his throne in Olympian majesty may be a concept some may find difficult to comprehend, and others, difficult to accept; but here is a god on earth, for he has reached up to that state of divine detachment through his dynamic moral force.
Thus the man who allows his activities to be guided by his instincts leads the life of an animal; the one whose activities are guided by the mind, but who is also frequently pulled by instincts, leads the life of a human being, but still a partial slave to the animal within him; but it is in the man whose conduct is shaped by moral force that the spark of divinity glows brightly.
Once I was asked by a man how he could set about to get a vision of God. I replied: “By conquering your instincts and mind and allowing your moral force to guide all your actions.” He asked me for an example. I said: “Write 'God' on this piece of paper." He wrote it. 26