but he hopes that his son will not inherit it from him. His instinct draws him to the bottle, his mind tells him it is wrong. In the conflict which ensues he exhales a breath of humanity, but his instinct does not let him be.
In society we often come across a man who, by suppressing his instincts has climbed a step upwards, yet within him there is always a weakness which leaves him indecisive. At times he lifts himself up to the level of humanity, at times he sinks into the quagmire of bestiality. He often supplicates God: "Lord, enlighten me, lead me along the path of truth, raise me to a higher level!" But what we have here is prayer without endeavour. His is a fluid state; it takes the path of least resistance, flowing into whatever mould seems more attractive.
Then there is the third group of men in whom it is neither instinct nor intellect, but moral judgment which dominates. When your actions are guided by the light of moral judgment, then know that you are treading the path of divinity, and that you are close to God.
Truly did the sage say: "This world is entangled in the fine meshes of woman and gold." But the man