What is the ultimate test of a man's life? Is the life spent in accumulation of material things a fruitful one? Or is that a fruitful life which is spent in quest of the divine spark which animates it? The elements which constitute human life are three, and a man's development can be judged by the extent to which one of these three dominates.
Some men are governed purely by their instincts, others by thought and yet others by their sense of judgment, their power to discriminate between right and wrong, and to act accordingly,-what we might call, moral force; but a moral force which is dynamic.
Those who are governed by their instincts, live only to gratify their instincts—food, sleep, fear, sex. They have no thought or consideration for anything apart from these. Under the motivating force of these instincts a man forgets his very nature. He is dragged along by the powerful current of his instincts and is least bothered in what direction it takes him. Having become a slave to his instincts, he believes he has