spiritual matters. Are not so many human beings in the same predicament as this poor simpleton with his bucket full of holes? Their attempts at gaining spiritual salvation through ceremonies and rituals are like the attempts of the simpleton to draw water with the leaking bucket. They are vain, futile attempts because their minds are riddled with holes like the bucket. They make a strenuous effort, but to what avail: Everything leaks out and their minds, like the bucket, come out empty and the entire rigmarole is unfruitful when they leave the temple. Isn't the spiritual vacuum which you came to fill in, still as it was? Then is it not time that you filled in these outlets as the simpleton filled in the holes in his bucket? Else not all your rituals nor all the sermons you have heard will avail aught to you.
These holes will be permanently sealed when you come to realise that you are the Supreme Self; when, like the drop of water which claims to have the characteristics of the vast ocean, you recognise that your soul too, has all the characteristics of the Supreme Soul. Then will come that moment when your true identity shines clear like a burning torch, the beacon.