It is a matter of great pleasure for me to offer to the scholars of Indian philosophy the present work entitled 'Essays in Indian Philosophy' as the sixth book in the Sanskrit-Sanskriti Granthamala. As its title suggests, it examines certain issues of Indian philosophy. It deals with such topics as time, space, nirvāna, Isvara, jñānadarśana, Dharmakīrti's theory of knowledge, vyāpti and testimony, . The work explains and analyses the relevant texts. Its exposition is text-based and authentic, interpretations though fresh are coherent, and conclusions are impartial and cogent.
The work will be welcomed by all scholars and advanced students of Indian philosophy, embodying as it does a clear and lucid exposition of some of the important issues of Indian philosophy.
Nagin J. Shah General Editor
Sanskrit-Sanskriti Granthamāla 23, Valkeshvar Society Ambawadi Ahmedabad-380 015 India March 15, 1998