INDIAN PHILOSOPHY 78. Hoon daftar at treft 39311 I AvasyakaNiryukti, 973 79. Tattvārthaílokavārtika, I. 30
Anantavīrya seems to accept the possibility of simultaneous occurrence of a pure sensory cognition and a conceptual cognition. He goes even a step further and declares that there can take place savikalpaka perception of one thing and thought of another thing simultaneously. He says : TETET Naftal 378f471, they युगपद् उपयोगद्वयानुपपत्तेरिति चेत्, मानसं सममुपयोगद्वयं नेष्यते न इन्द्रियमानसे... । Siddhiviniscayațīkā, p. 113 Akalanka, the author of Siddhiviniscaya, holds this view. See Siddhiviniscaya p. 112. Ac. Hemacandra also accepts this view. He writes in his Pramāṇamīmārāsā (1. 1.26) as follows : 7 garfactor 4 cef74114 'अवग्रहः । न चायं मानसो विकल्पः,... प्रतिसङ्ख्यानेनाप्रत्याख्येयत्वाच्च । मानसो हि विकल्पः प्रतिसङ्ख्यानेन निरुध्यते, न चायं तथेति न विकल्पः। This view of Akalanka, Anantavirya and Hemacandra accepts the possibility of simultaneous occurrence of a savikalpaka perception of one thing and a thought of another thing. This practically and theoretically amounts to the acceptance of simultaneous occurrence of two thoughts. This seems to be an objectionable stand that they have taken. They should not have gone to such an extent. But their
theory of pramāņa seems to have forced them to do so. 80. Six Philosophies of India, Vol. II, Nyāya-Vaišeşika. (Gujarati),
Nagin J. Shah, pp. 170, 467.469. 81.The Sankhya-Yoga thinkers accept the possibility of simultaneous
occurrence of a pure sensation (indriyavstti), a thought (samkalpa=manovịtti) and a judgement (cittavrtti=buddhivrtti = adhyavasāya).
JERRI I Fa: Sārkhyatattvakaumudi, 30 ...cat Urdसङ्कल्पाभिमानाध्यवसाया युगपद् एव प्रादुर्भवन्ति । 82. Dasakāliyasutta, 4.4.8 83. Fariautica, contactata | Agastyasimhacūrņi, Dasakāliyasutta, 4.4 84. घटप्रासादप्रदीपकल्पं संकोचविकासि चित्तं शरीरपरिमाणाकारमात्रमित्यपरे प्रतिपन्नाः ।
Yogabhāșya 4.10. ga144 HGCH BIERef: 1 Yogavārtika, 4.10