yaşam ca, jagahiyāņań,406 addaga407-mguttha-bähu-asi-mani-khomāăticca-m-ăiyāņaṁ vivihamahāpasiņavijja-maņapasiņavijjā (omitted in A) daivayapaūgappahāņaguņāpagāsiyāṇam,408 sambhūyaviguņappabhāva (ppa om. A) şaragana-m-ativimhayakarīņam,409 [335] atisayam-aiyakālasamae410 damasama (sama is omitted in A) titthakaruttamassa411 thii (thita A) karana-kāraṇāņaṁ,412 durabhigama duravagāhassa savvasavvannūsammayassa413 buddha (abuha A) jaņavi bohakarassa paccakkhayapaccayakariņam414 paṇhāņa vivihaguņamahatthā jiņavarappaniya aghavijjasti (ațțhāvijjo A).
XI. The eleventh angam, vivāgasuyam, vipākaśrutam ; in two śrutaskandhas, of 10 ajjhayanas each, contains legends on the reward of good and evil deeds.
Its division is in harmony with our information on this point in anga 4 and Nandi, with this exception, that in anga 4 nothing is said of the two śrutaskandhas. See above p. 270, 280 in reference to the kammavivāga texts, which are connected in name and contents, and which have 10, 43 and 55 ajjh., and are mentioned in angas 3, 10, 4, 43 and in the Kalpasūtra.
Imdabhūti beholds some horrible deed, and is told by Mahavira, whom he questions concerning it, the previous history, e.g. previous births of the individuals in question. The event itself is then explained415 and the fate of the persons in future births is made known
406 jagaddhitānām. 407 adāganduttha bāhu asa mani revāma aticca māyāṇami A; on addaga, adar sa
(magician's mirror) cf. Hāla v. 204 (p. 75). 408 vividhapraśna (fnān pra) ty uttaradayinyaḥ, manaḥpramitārthottaradāyinya
(s ca), tāsām devatāni tadadhisthälfdevatās, teşām prayogaprādhānyena pradhānataya guņam vividhartha-samvādakalaksanam prakāśayasti loke vyamjayati
yais te vividhao prakasikās tāsām (the masc. and fem of praśna together!). 409 dvigune na upalak sanat vāt laukikapraśnavidyāprabhāvāpek saya bahugunena patha.
mtare : vividhagunena. prabhāvena mahatmyena manujasamudayabuddher vismayaka
ryaś camatkārahetavo yāk prāśnah. 410 aita A; atisayam atitao. 411 dama(h) samas tatpradhanatirtharkarāņām darśanāṁtara sastrinām uttamo
bhagavān jinas tasya. 412 sthitika, anam sthapanar, tasya kāraṇāni hetavo yās tāḥ. 413 sarveşāṁ sarvajñānām sammatam iştam. 414 pratyaksakena jñānena pratyayaḥ sarvātiśayanidhānam...jinavacanam" ity
evañrupă pratipattih, atkaranasilānām. 415 This recalls the legend of the Satap. Br. about Bhrgu Väruņi (Ind. Streifen -1, 24),
with the exception that there is no reference here to the tortures of hell, but merely to a retribution on earth.