first story alone of each varga is passably complete, the others are cited merely by their catch words.
The events of these recitals transpire in Rāyagiha, Sägeta Vapiyagama, Hatthiņapura. The names of the personages involved are to be extracted from the karikās, which cite the titles of the 33 ajjhayaņas ; viz :
1. Jāli363 Mayali Uvajāli Purisasene ya Vārisene ya/Dihadamte ya Laddhadarte Vehallo Vehāyase Abhaye ti kumārel/See page 521 for the first five names.
2. Dihasene Mahāseņe Laddhadaṁte (again (!) ya Gūdhadaṁte ya Suddhadaíte ya|Halle Dumme Dumasene Mahādumasene ya ahitell 1|| Sthe ya Sihasene ya Mahāsihasene ya ähite Pumasese ya bodhavve terasame hoi ajjhayane || 2 //
3. 964 Dhanne ya Sunakkhatte Isidā se ya ahitel Pellae Ramaputte Pacardimă Puţțimāi' ya||1|| Pedhālaputte (cf. anga 2, 2, 7) anagare Poțțileiya Vehalle/dasame vutte imeye dasa ahiya||2||.
Our information in reference to these persons is limited almost entirely to their names [325] alone. In the first history (of Jali), which is a prototype of the rest, it is at least related that he ekkārasa argais ahijjati.
It is surprising that the table of contents in anga 4, or Nandi (N), is particularly explicit. This is probably to be explained by the fact that it had as its subject an entirely different text from that which we possess. It is as follows:--se kim tam anuttarovavā iyadasão ? aņuosasu ņań anuttarovavā iyāņań nagarai ujjaceio vaņa 365 rāyao ammā samo dhamma yao dhammakahā366 ihaloga 367 payvajja suyao368 tavo padimão369 samlehana bhatta' pau anuttarovavatti (A, vāto BC. °rovavāyatti N) sukulapaccāyāi (yāti BC, ccäio N) punabohioartakiriya āghavijjarti ;
363 ittha ajjhayanāni Jāli-m-aini, Vidhi prapa. 364 Five of these names recur in anga 3, 10 for angas 8 and 9, cf. p. 271. 365 N omits (an error of the scribe). 365 N inverts saorao amo dho hão dho riyā. 367 Thalogapario A, ihalogapāraloga BC, ihaloiaparaloia riddhivisesa bhogapariccāga
pavajjão N. 368 pariyāgā° before sua in N. 369 padimātave, A, merely padio BC, padimão uvasagga N.