padimuato (323) bahuviha tavo361 khamā ajjavaṁ maddavam ca soyaṁ ca saccasahiyam858 sattarasaviho ya (B. C., "ha yā ya A) saṁjamo (me A, mo ya B. C.) uttamaṁ ca bambham akimcanaya tavokiriyūu samitt guttiu ceva, taha353 appamāyajogo (oge A) sajjhāyajjhănăna354 ya uttam inam donhaṁ pi lakkhanāim, pattāna ya saṁjamuttamaṁ jiya (jiya A) parisahānaṁ ya caü vihakammakkhayaṁmi jaha kevalassa355 lambho, pariyāu (yāto B. C.)356 jattio ("ito B. C., jatiyāu A) ya jaha palito (palayato A) munihi, pāuvagai ya357 jo jahiņ358 jattiyāni bhattāni cheyaittà (cheitta A, chedaittà B. C.) aṁtakaro (gado B. C.) munivaro359 tama-rao'-gha360 mukko mokkhasuham anuttarar ca patto (A, pattă B. C.) ete anne ya evar-ai'ttha parūviya (parūve, B. C.) jāva.
IX. The ninth angam, aṇuttarovayāiyadasāu, anuttaraupātikadaśas ;361 in 3 vaggas with 33 ajjhayaņas (10, 13, 10); contains legends of saints each one of whom attained the highest (anuttara) heavenly world (vimāna)362
The name (dasāu) is here too at variance with the constitution of our text, but is in agreement with the statements of angas 3 and 4, where only 10 ajjhayanas are mentioned ; while anga 4 recognizes but ten (the Nandi but three) uddeśanakalas, see above p. 286,- (324). We have already seen that, of all the names given in anga 3, 10 as those of the 10 ajjh., but three recur in anga 9, This proves that we have here to do with a text that has suffered a transformation. Our text has been handed down to us in an exceedingly fragmentary state, consisting chiefly of references to Meha (6, 1, 1) and Khandava (5, 2, 1); the
350 14 padimāto BC; N has instead of padimāu merely samlehavão bhattapaccakkhă
nam pāovagamana sukulapaccāio punavohilabha amtakiriydo a aghavijjaħti :
dvādaśa bhiksupratimā māsik yadayah (cf. Leumann on Aup, $ 24). 351 sic. A, bahuvihāto BC. 352 saucam ca satyasahitam. 353 yāto samii guttito ceva BC, samitayo guptayaś ca. 354 svadhyāyadhyānayoh. 355 jnānāder labhah. 356 paryāyah pravraj yalak saņah, yāvāíś ca yāvadvarsādi pramāno yatha yena tapo
više şasrayanādina prakārena pålito munibhiḥ. 367 munihim ppätovagato ya BC. 358 präyopagamăbhidhānam anasanam pratipanno yo munir yatra. 359 antakyto munivaro. jāta iti seşaḥ. 360 raigha A, ratogha BC. 361 This should strictly be opädika ; cf. my remarks on upanga 1. 362 na śmåd uttaro vidyate ity anuttarah, upapăto (pado (!) janmärthah, anuttarah pra
dhānah anyasya tatha-vidhasya bhāvād upapāto (Opădo) yesā te, tadvaktavyätapratibaddha daśa dasadhyayanopalakṣita.