sāmāyikadhyayana, 1057 These accounts are very obscure because we do not possess any of the immediate sources whence they are taken. [84] A propos of v. 1 several interesting statements are made concerning the relations of the dasapurvin to the caturdasapurvin (trayodaśapūrvinaḥ are said to have never existed) The dasap. are said to be upakārakāḥ, upāngādi (dinām C) saṁgrahanyuparacaneņa ('nena hetunā C).
I have found no other trace of the devavijjiya, see p. 431 cited in the Ratnasagara as the sixth painnam. The Jyotişkaraṇḍam which is the ninth painnam in the Ratnasagara is at least mentioned in the painna list in Avi., see p. 427.
As regards the texts enumerated by Rajendra Lala Mitra and Kasinath Kunte, I refer to pages 392 and 11 for the mahapannavaṇā mentioned by K. K. as the sixth upangam.
In both the above authorities we find the second mulasūtram called visesavasyakasūtra; and a text of this name exists according to Kielhorn's Report, pp. 36 to 38. In the beginning of Ratnasekhara's commentary on the śraddhapratikramaṇasūtra it is cited as a work of a Jinabhadra (see above p. 70): yad āhuḥ śri Jinabhadraganikṣamāśramaṇapādāḥ śri višeṣdvaśyake (then two gathas in Prakrit). According to Klatt, 247 and Kielhorn p 37 Jinabhadra is merely author of a commentary on this work. A tika by Kotyacārya is cited by Kielhorn, the MS, dating samvat 1138 (A.D. 1082). According to Klatt Kotyacarya is another appellation of Silanka, whose commentary on anga 1, see p. 250 dates A.D. 876. Kielhorn mentions [85] an anonymous commentary on the text itself, which bears the much sought for name Sisyahita (see pp. 44, 51, 81). This MS., too, is very old samvat 119 -(?) i.e. dates at least from A.D. 1134. The viseṣāvasyakam is often cited in the Vicaramṛtasaṁgraha. According to Kasinath Kunte it contains "a detailed explanation of what is written in the Avasyakasūtra."
The fourth mulasūtram in the list of Rajendra Lala Mitra, by name, pākṣikasūtram, contains (with some independent additions) the same
1057 prakramto 'yam avasyakanuyogas, tatra sämayikädhyayanam anuvartate, tasya catvary anuyogadvarani (cf. p. 24); upakramo nikṣepo 'nugamo nayaḥ: adyau dväv uktau, anugamo dvidha niryuktyanugamo sutranugamas ca; adyas tridha: nikṣepo-podghata-sutraspar sinir yuktyanugamabhedat (see pp, 36, 38), sutrasparfiniryuktyanugamo 'nugato vakṣyamānas ca, upodghataniryuktyanugamas tv abhyam dvaragathābhyām anugaṁntavyaḥ: uddese niddeśe (see p. 67n1) ity-adi...