seen (p. 357) that this composition cannot be referred to the old Bhadrabahu (+170 Vira ), since in the introductory verse cited in the Av. 6,89 the dasapuvvi, daśapurvin are honoured besides the arihamta and the caüddasapuvvis. It is quite surprising that this verse also refers especially to the ikkarasaṁgasuttadhārāe; a fact diametrically opposed to the tradition just mentioned that regards a part of anga 12 as the source of the agh. Further on in our present ogh. we find a direct reference in v. 14 to anga 12: sāmāyārt ohe | nayajjhayandim (anga 6?) diṭṭhivão a | loiyakappāsāi aņukkamā karagā cauro || It is, however, sub judice whether or no this verse belonged to the original text. That this was quite a different text from that which the present ogh, as an independent work presents, is proved by the fact that the two Avasyaka-MSS. P, which [83] cite it as integral part of the Avasy. nijj, and allot to it but 58 (P) or 79() verses (cf. above p. 62). The oghanijj. which exists in detached form embraces, according to its last verse, 1,160 gāthās 1059 ikkärasehi säehi saṭṭhiahiehi samgahiya 1054 The contents is stated in vv. 4,5 to be as follows :
vaya(vrata) 5 samanadhamma 10 samjama 17 veydvaccam 10 ca bambhaguttlo 9nāṇāitiyaṁ 3 tava 12 kohaniggahải 4 caranam eyam ||4||.
pimḍavisohi1055 4 samil 5 bhāvana 12 paḍimā 12 ya imdiyaniroho 5/ paḍilehana 25 guttlo 3 abhiggaha 4 ceva karanam tu ||5||
The contents consequently refers to a right name of living; caraṇakaraṇātmika is the designation of the oghaniryukti in the introduction of the avacuri on it, and it calls itself at the end (vv. 1156-57) sāmāyāri (see above p. 48).
The beginning of the avacuril056 contains several accounts in reference to the connection of the text with the Avasyaka, and
1053 The MS. shews but 1, 158 and the text belonging to the avacuri has but 1, 132 vv.
1054 In the palm-leaf MS. 165 of Peterson these words run ekkarasahim sachim athahim (!) ahiehim samgahiya; the number of verses is stated to the 1,156(!), 055 A text of this name by Jinavallabhagani appears in the account of Kielhorn,
p. 30 (with commentary) 95 and in the list of Peterson's Palm-leaf 86m. 104c. 177d.
1056 Composed by Jñanasagara samvat 1439, and belonging to the vetti fo Droṇācārya.