Avasy. nijj. 8,55 jam ca mahakappaṁ11 jāņi a sesani chea suttani, from which passage it is clear that then, besides the mahākappam, there existed several other texts belonging to this group (kalpădini Schol.); and in another passage of the above cited work (16,100) there are enumerated three texts, which, at present, still bear this name and which state that they were divided812 just as we find them. They appear [447] to belong together after a fashion and to form a united group. In the enumeration of the anangapaviṭṭha texts in the Nandi, in the Pākṣikasūtra and in the three sāmācārts we find these texts arranged in the same order (dasānam, kappassa, vavahārassa). In the sāmācāris, in the passage in reference to the number of days necessary to learn them, we find that but one suyakkhamdha is allotted to them all : kappavavahāradasāṇaṁ (so Avi., Svi., dasāka rānam V.) ego suyakkhamdho. The Vidhipr., however, states that some (kei) "kappavavahārānam bhinnam suyakkhamdham
The title cheasutta. is not mentioned in this list of the anangapavitthas or angabahiras, which cites, in addition to the three texts held to be cheasuttas, two others immediately afterward, one name alone intervening. These additional cheasuttas are nisiha and mahänistha, which now stand at the head of the chedds. The mahākappasuam (see p. 478), too, is found in the list, but in a different place- about 24 places previous. From this we draw the conclusion that the author of the list did not regard the mahākappasuam (see p. 478) as belonging to these cheasuttas.
The mahakappa is mentioned in no other passage. In all other passages, where the chedasutras are enumerated, the nistham is invariably placed at the head of the list. Thus in Avi., where the number of days necessary for learning the chedasūtras is stated, [448] there are enumerated as the "cheaggamtha" (here placed between upangas and painnas; see p. 446) the seven names: nisiha, dasā, kappa, vavahāra, mahānisiha, pamcakappa and jiakappa. The paṁcakappa is mentioned also under the painnas. Cf. above, pp. 427,430. The case is similar in Svi., where, however, the name chea is omitted, and the discussion on this subject is inserted between that concerning angas 4 and 5. In Svi, only stha,
811 According to the Scholiast these texts are borrowed from the ditthivaa (anga 12), and, consequently, are to be regarded as rşibhäşita: mahakalpaśrutādinām api sibhaṣitatva(d) dṛṣtivadad uddhṛtya teṣām pratipaditat vat dharmakathanuyoga vva (gatvas ca)? prasamgah.
812 dasa uddesanakala dasana, kappassa humti chac ceva | dasa ceva vavaharassa humti savve vi chavvisam 11.