XXXIV. The tenth painnaṁ, virathaa, virastava, in 43 vv. Enume. ration of the names of the siri Vaddhamāņa (445) (v. 4). It begins : namiūna jinaṁ jayajīvabardhavaṁ bhaviyakusumarayaniyaram | Viram giririndadhiram thunāmi (staumi) payatthanāmehiṁ || 1 |). It concludes : iya nāmävali sarthuyä siri Virajinimda mamdasunassa (°nnassa ?) viyara karunão Jinavara / sitapayamanahatthiraṁ (?) Vira || 43 11.
The gacchāyāram, which in V., in the Ratnasāgara, and in the second collection of all the painnas that I have before me, is cited as a part of the collection (see pp. 429, 431) contains in 138 vv. general rules of life, especially those for the bhikkhu and bhikkhuni, in the form of a lesson to Goyama, who is several times mentioned in it. It begins : namiūņa Mahāviram .. /gacchāyāraṁ kisci uddharimo suasamuddão / 1 // atth'ege Goyama ! pāņid / je ummaggapaitļhie/gacchammi sarvasittanam bhamai bhavaparamparam || 2 //. The metre is almost everywhere sloka, though two syllables are often counted as one, one short being cast away ; so for example in v, 15 : saṁgahovaggahaṁ vihina na karei a jogani / samaņa samanim tu dikkhitta / sāmāyārim na gāhae // 15 // vihiņā, samaņań, samanim are to be read as dissayllables.
At the end it is called (see verse 1) an extract from the mahānisiha. kappa and the vavahāra, sources which explain the use of the śloka here : mahani sihakappão/vavahārāo tahe 'vaga sāhu-sähuni-atthäegacchayaraṁ samuddhiam //136|| padharsuṁ sähuņo, eam asajjhayaṁ vivajjium utta. ma suanissamdam/gacchāyāraṁ suuttamaṁ || 137 || gacchāyāraṁ sunittäņam [446] paậhitta bhikkhu bhikkhuni / kunastu jam jahābhaniam , icchartā hiam appano !/ 138 //.
The fourth group of Siddhanta texts is composed of D. the six chedasūtras.
So at least according to Bubler's list (see above, p. 226). In the Āyāravihi and in the Ratnasāgara (Calc. 1880) these assert a prior place
between the upangas and the painnas. The name chedasūtra808 (cheda, cutting section ?) can be explained in many ways. There is no authentic explanation that I have been able to discover. This name recurs in the texts in question as infrequently as in the paragraphs in the MSS. The first time where it is mentioned, so far as I know,8lo is in the
809 An older form of the name is perhaps chasua, chedaśruta ; thus in a citation in
the Vicărāmytasamgraha : "nisiham.āi yassa cheasuassa"; chedasamgha, too, is
found in the same place (see p. 430), where it is said that they are five in number. 810 The name of the second group of the carittagunapramāņa in the Anuyogadvāra
sutra - chedavaddhavaniacar-may be recalled in this connection.