2, -65). The subject is treated in the form of a dialogue, in antique form, between Mahavira and Goyama The nominative often ends in e and not in o, so that we may suppose an older source is the base of this recital. Then follows an enumeration of the dasa dasão (disão A), ten "ages of man" (cf. Ath. 3,4,7) : bala, kittă (A, kidā B, vidda C), maída, balā, pannā, hāyani, pavarcā, pabbhārā, mummuhī (A, ma B, su C), māyaṇī, These are then treated separately in metre. The text then returns to prose and treats, in connection with the ayus, of the divisions of time : avaliya, khaņa up to the kodākodiu, i.e. millions of years, after which it discusses the multiplicity of bodily relations and of the nature of the body in general. Next come the dry measures based upon the māgahao pattho, cf. Ath. par. 35,3 (my treatise on the Jyot. p. 80 ; Aupap. $ 80,98) measures of length, of time, the number of the bones, sinews and other parts of the body, of all manner of diseases, of women, &c. Here and there we find verses inserted though they are not counted in continuously with the rest. At the conclusion we find 18 verses :
eyar souṁ sarTrassa (metre !) vāsānaṁ ganiyapāgadamahattham mokkhapai massa ihat (metre !) samattaṁ sahassapattassa (metre !) // 17 // eyam sagadasariram jāi-jará (441) maraņaveyaņābaulam | taha pattaha801 kāum je802 jaha mucchaha savvadukkhāņam || 18 11.
xxx. Sixth painnam, cardavijjhayam,808 in 174 vv. In the intro. duction, a dāragāhā (v. 3), with a conspectus of the contents. Vv. 4-19 treat of vinaya in general, vv. 20-35 of the qualities of a teacher, dyari. yaguna, vv. 36-51 of the scholar, sīsaguņa, v. 52-65 of the impediments (?), niggahaguna,804 in the way of the vinaya, vv. 66-98 of perception, nāņaguņa, vv. 99-114 of the conduct of life caranaguna, v, 115 fg. of death, maranaguna. All these sections are clearly separated by a verse which marks the end of one and the beginning of another (20, 35, 52, 66, 98, 115). Thus, e.g. v. 20 : viņayassa guņavisesä ee mae vanniā samā senam / āyariyāņaṁ ca gune egamanā me nisāmeha ll 20 // In v. 173 the contents is repeated or recapitulated as in the dāragāh, and the concluding verse is closely connected with that of painna 6:
801 Cf. pattihi in Hāla. 802 See Hem. 2,217, Hāla 524 in Bhuv (p. 189). 803 The name is obscure: viyyaya in_A, but vijjhaya in B. Nandi, Pākşika and in
the three sām ācāri; once in Avi. vijjhāya, in Svi. Ovivvryai (a poor MS) and Ovejjha in V; Kashinath has ; candāvijaya, ao account of witchcraft, magic and mysticisn (!).- The right Sanskrit equivalent of the title is Candraka-vedhya
which, as Ogha-niryukti 1142 shows, is the same as radhāvedhya 'aim-striking'.-L. 804 niggayaguna vv. 3, niggahagune in vv. 52 and 173.