XXVIII. Fourth painnam, samthära, saṁstāra, in 122 vv., treats of the bed upon straw. Cf. Bhagav. 2,1,70,74 (my treatise 2, 293, 297) as a preparation for the paṁdiyamaraṇam, the proper euthanasy. The title sarthara is frequently referred to throughout the text ; cf. v. 1, 3, 4,15,21,27,30 etc.), thus e.g. saṁthārammi nibardham gunapari vādim nisāmeha || 1 ||. This was the case with painna 3.
[439) In v. 32-44 the qualities of the man are described who intends to ascend the samthära, the second hemistich recurring throughout as a refrain ;...aruhai jo sartharam suvisuddho tassa sarthāro. In v. 56 fg. there are cited all manner of instances of those who died sartharam ärūdha. Thus, the flower-gatherer (? pupphacūlā) Ajja in Poyaņapura v. 56 Sukosalarisi v. 63, examples from Ujjeņi v. 65, Robidagań nayaram v. 68, Padaliputta vv, 70,73 Kosambi v. 78, Kunalanagara v. 80, the names Kurudatta v. 84, Gayasukumāla v. 85, Cilãiputta v. 86, Mamkhali v. 87. It concludes : eva(m) mae abhithuyå saṁthāragaimdakhamdham ärūdha / susamaņanarimdacaṁda suhasarkamaņaṁ sayā dimtu // 122 1/.
XXIX. Fifth painnam, tamdulave yaliyam,799 in verse, prose and again in verse. The contents are of an anthropoligical and physiological nature, and are briefly stated in the introduction :
voccharn painnagam iņam tamdulaveāliyar näma || 1 H sunaha ganie800 dasa dasā (disă A) väsasayāussa jahā vibhajjarti, sarkalie vogasie jaṁ că"yuṁ sesayaṁ hoi || 2 11. jattiyamitte divase jattiyā rāi muhuttam ussäso | gabbhammi vāsai jīvo āhāravihiṁ ya vecchāmi || 3 //
Then follows the statement that the jiva [440] remained in the womb 277 full ahorattas and one-half of an ahoratta (cf. Aup. $.104) - (26 verses + 3). The prose treats especially of the life and development of the embryo in the womb, striking parallels to which are found in the statements in Nirukti 14,6.7, and the Garbhopani şad (Ind. Stud.
799 It is uncertain how we are to translate or explain this. In angas 2,1,2 veyaliya is
yaidarika, in dasavealia=vaikalika. In ms. or fol. 1075 the title is translated by tamdulavairalikam; and also in Kashinath (the state of a child in the womb, its
birth, etc), 800 jyotiņšāstie, gloss.