Mähäräștri Language and Literature
124. KM. p. 127, 148. 125. 22, 43; 22, 79; 23, 73. 126. pp. 647, 655, 673, 678, 724, 727. 127. Dhvanyāloka p. 148 Com. 128. Weber's edition of Sattasai. 129. Kane; Introduction to Sāhityadarpana. p. LXXXVI. 130. The first two chapters were edited by Paul Goldschmidt. A complete edition
was brought forth by Siegfried Goldschmidt with a German translation and a word index in collaboration with Paul Goldschmidt. Strassburg 1880-1884. It is edited in Kavyamālā No. 47 with the Sanskrit commentary of Rāmadāsa and a
Sanskrit rendering by Sivadatta and Parab, Bombay 1895. 131. 1, 12. 132. XV, 95. 133. cf. XV, 94-95. Kirāta has the word Laxmi and Māgha the word Śrī. 134. Harsacarita, Introductory verse 15. Cp. Peterson, Kadambari Introduction pp. 77
ff. 135. Rājatarangini III, 97 ff. 136. In his Aucityavicāracarca he quotes Setubandha IV, 20. Kävyamālā Part I, p. 135. 137. 'ahinavarāāraddha' 1, 9. 138. Kävyamālā ed. p. 497. 139. Ibid pp. 3, 10. 140. Cp. Winternitz, Gesch. Ind. Lit. p. 63 n. 3. 141. Chapter III. 142. cf. The inscription of the Vākātāka kings. IA. XII, p. 243. 143. Introduction to Gaudavaho. pp. clxi-ccv. 144. M. A. Stein, Rajatarangini. Tr. Vol. I, pp. 66, 84ff. 145. Cp. Rāmasvāmi Shastri, 7th Oriental Conference. Baroda. 146. 1, 9. 147. Cp. Aucityavicāracarcā. p. 139 where the verse is attributed to Kālidāsa, also
Kavyamīmāṁsa, p. 60-61. 148. Cp. his concluding verses p. 497. 149. Only the third chapter of this is published by Goldschmidt in his edition.