96. Ling. Surv. Introductory.
97. Weber first edited the 370 verses under the title Uber das Saptasatakam des
Hala. Leipzig 1870; Some additions were made in Z. D. M. G. 26, pp. 735 foll. Later on a complete edition was given as The Saptasataka des Häla. Leipzig 1881. About Bhuvanapala's recension Indi. Stu. 16. With the commentary of Gangadharabhatta edited in KM. 21. A new edition by Mathuranatha with his own Tīkā.
98. Harṣacarita v. 13.
99. Geschichte der indischen Literatur pp. 97-104 of Vol. III.
100. Keith, History of Sanskrit Literature pp. 223-235.
101. 97,443.
102. 579.
103. 239.
104. 448.
105. 172.
106. 467.
107. 408.
108. 403.
109. 411, 338, 406, 425.
110. 657, 112, 87.
111. 545, 549.
112. 443.
113. 35.
114. 308.
115. Weber p. XXVII.
116. Abhidhanamālā 712 Desīnāmamälä 294.
117. Gra. Pra. Spr. Sect. 13.
118. Winternitz. p. 101.
119. Epigraphica Indica. XII, 320.
120. p. XXIII.
121. 435.
123. 267.