Diagram 1 Configuration of pigments
A terrified Horse Possesses ontological status as
Possesses ontologicol status as a configuration of pigments only Horse As such is incapable of experiencing As such is capable of experiencing emotions like fear.
emotions like fear.
A terrified Horse in a Painting
Configuration of pigments which has temporarily suppressed its ontological status and lent it to a horse which here does not possess ontological status of its own. The spectator now. can ignore the pigments' incapacity to experience emotions and see the emotions as belonging to the 'horse' in the painting
Diagram 2 Actor Caitra
Character Rāma or Cārudatta. Actual human being
Actual/Fictional human being Possesses ontological status as a If actual, possesses ontological status human being
as a human being If fictional, does not possess ontolo
gical status as a human being. Capable of experiencing emotions If actual, capable of experiencing real such as fear; capable of perceiving, emotions such as fear. etc.
If fictional, incapable of feeling real
emotions such as fear. At the time of play-acting Caitra's A special feature of the play-acting ontological status as Caitra is
situation is that a character like suppressed and temporarily lent to Rama, with his own ontological Rama or Carudatta. Caitra's capacity status, his own position in Space and to experience emotions, to perceive, Time is not and cannot actually etc. is temporarily transferred to remain present on the stage.. Rama or Carudatta. Although Caitra