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vowels e and o. But because they behave like diphthongs (a-y, a-i, a-v, a-u) in Sandhi they are regarded as diphthongs in grammar. The process which led to the Sanskrit system from the primitive vowels has further resulted in the development found in Middle Indian. The predominent consideration has been to preserve the quantity and ai and.e and au and o have the same metrical value. In a group like veștana and viştara the first syllable has the same metrical length in both (v-e-s; v-i-ş) though the first has a long vowel and the second has a short one. The only difference was that e was longer than i and ș of the first shorter than the s of the second. With the assimilation of the conjunct the fine distinction of length was lost and the preceding vowel was shortened without, however, losing its distinctive quality. These sounds, however, proved unstable and were reduced to the neutral a in later' Prākrit (Pk. kahenti Ap. kahanti).
105 ऐ usually becomes ए : वैर = वेर hatred ; शैल = सेल mountain ; नैरयिक = नेरइय hellish being ; मैत्री = मेत्ति friendship; दैवत =देवय deity; नैमित्तिक-नेमित्तिय fortune-teller; वैद्य = वेज physician; भैषज्य = भेसज्ज medicine;' वैताढ्य = वेयड्ड name of a
mountain (really vedyardha); वैशालि = वेसालि name of a town; शैवल सेवल moss. . In few cases it. is dissolved into अइ : सैन्य = सइन्न army; दैत्य = दइच्च demon ; दैन्य = दइन्न poverty; वैशाख = वइसाह name of a month; स्वैर = सइर free ; कैलास=कइलास Himalaya ; दैव = दइव्व fate. ___106 औ usually becomes ओ: औषध = ओसह medicine;
कौतुक = कोउय a ceremony ; कौतूहल = कोऊहल curiosity ; द्वा=दो two; पौराण = पोराण old; सौख्य =सोक्ख happiness; सौम्य = सोम्म docile ; क्षौम = खोम garment; गौर = गोर fair; लौकिक = लोगिय worldly; कौमुदीकोमुई moon light; पौरुषी = पोरुसी a period of time; सौकुमार्य = सोगुमल्ल tenderness. ___In a few cases it is dissolved into अउ : कौशल=कउसल dexterity; पौरुष = पउरिस manliness; गौड = गउड Bengal; मौलि = मउलि crest; पौर = पउर citizen ; सौध-सउह mansion.