MEILLET A. . (Introduction à
l'étude comparative des langues indo-européennes 1924)
73. Metaphor (a word denoting a
thing which has a similarity with its primary meaning)
as a resonator) 5; vowels 5; sounds 6; opened 41 ; becoming anusvāra 52 ; followed by mutes 66; -n81 ; two nasals 82 ; followed by semivowels 84 ; by liquid
Metathesis (varnavipar yaya)
126. Metrical length (length of a
syllable due to a following
conjunct) 107. MIA. Middle Indo-Aryan languages.
. Mood (artha: a verbal form
to express the subjective inclination with reference to the action like desire, in- tention, possibility etc.) imperative 235-237; potential
243-247. Monosyllabic (having one syl-
lable) roots 166. Morphology (tūpasiddhi : sys-
tem of inflections) 3. Mute (sparśa : the same as a
stop. plosive consonant) opened 41 ; becoming liquid 43; groups of 58; with nasals 63; followed by semivowels 68 ; 69; by liquid 71 ; by sibilant 75.
Nasalisation (change into or
addition of a nasal sound) spontaneous 119; of final
vowels 127. Nay. Nāyādhammakahão Ed.
of Āgamodaya Samiti. Neu. Neuter. Neuter (napumsaka, kliba)
becoming Mas. 150; of the past passive part. 209;
compound 505 ; 515. Neutral vowel (= central
vowels formed by the mid
dle of the tongue) 5. NIA. New Indo-Aryan Langu: ages. Nir. Nirayāvaliyão Ed. Dr.
Vaidya. Nominative (prathamā) sing.
in AMg. prose 149; sing. of neuter nouns in -a 150; plu. of Mas. Neu. 150; of the object 209; of the subject 209; uses of 349 f. of predicate 350; of apposition 350; with iti 351 ; in enumeration 351; disjunct
ive use of 351. Noun (nāman) ending of Mas..
148; declension of 149; bases of 151 ; derivation of
N. Nominative. Nasal. (anunāsika, nāsikya :
speech sound in whose production the nasal cavity acts